Mac Conversion Project

So I was adding magnets to hold the bezel in place over the last couple weeks and had a great ‘duh’ moment:

I’m talking to my wife (who was probably wondering why I had a bunch of the basement bar occupied by a disassembled computer) and explained that I was adding L-bracket/magnet combos in to help keep the front bezel in place. But, I explained, one issue is there’s no easy way to line up the brackets when closed.
Oh yeah, I also have to remove the LCD mounted in the bezel to realign it and add a piece in to prevent a small issue. (A screw was pushing on it, which caused a small visual defect on the screen.)

The light then dawned: If I removed the screen, that gave me a giant whole (9" diagonal!) to put my hand through the get the brackets positioned correctly. :blush:

Only major thing I still want to do with this is rig up front-panel USB (through the old dial location) but still undecided on how to do so. And add RAM, but that’s every computer I work with on a regular basis.