Fangs: an Elite Dangerous comic

If you over-charge your FSD by doing just that, you get a 4x distance multiplier for your jump. White dwarfs give you about a 1.5x or 2x jump distance multiplier.

If you’re doing a long-haul flight, select “Use Jet-Cone Boost” in the Galaxy Map and your nav-comp will automatically route you through as many Neutron & White Dwarf stars as it can.

Just be warned that your FSD takes damage each time you over-charge it. So have an AFMU on board (it doesn’t need to be powered up all the time - just power it up when you need it) to repair the FSD. And drop out of super-cruise before you try to repair the FSD, otherwise bad things happen.

I don’t see what’s so hard about docking or launching that you need a module to do it for you…

I’m rather twitchy with reflexes from long years of FPSes so I tend to overcompensate a lot and run my ship into walls or the mailslot. I’m usually OK on the small stations where the pads are out in the open, but the bigger stations with the slots are the ones I always have trouble with. Doesn’t help that an Xbox One controller isn’t exactly all that precise with its sticks.

On this note, while I was perusing Amazon for some other stuff, I decided to just bite the bullet and picked up a Thrustmaster T16000M full FCS kit (pedals and all). I figured I’m annoyed at the Xbox controller enough as it is (the left bumper is really spotty as to whether it considers itself “pressed” or not, and it will occasionally not register inputs in other games for a second or two, which is not ideal in a fighting game).

Ahhh… Now I understand. I’ve found you have to think a second or two ahead when flying in Elite. (Although I presume the PvP / Arena combat-jocks are all hyper and being twitchy is an advantage…)

You’ll love flying with a HOTAS. Once you get all the buttons mapped, it’s so much easier (and far more natural) than trying to use a kb/mouse.

So far, you’re right. I kind of cheated a little, since the HCS Voice Packs include a little utility that will build a keybind set for you for most of the common controller setups. Might have to modify it a little though. Some of them are a little…odd. The pedals not being a “press” pedal but instead a “rotate” is a little jarring, but for some reason that keybind set has them bound to…the sensor range? I would’ve expected yaw or something…

Still. The stick flying does seem rather more natural than the Xbox controller. I took out my Type 6 for a couple small delivery missions and was able to successfully evade an NPC interdiction without any difficulty, and probably easier than I could’ve with the controller.

Now, once I can make some more money to outfit the Alliance Chieftain I picked up that is sitting in a hangar awaiting guns and parts, that’ll probably be the real test. At least I made sure to keep enough for a rebuy on the T6 this time :smiley:

Trade Elite done! Two down, one to go!

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So, does anyone here have a squadron or anything? I’ve mostly just been doing these cargo runs and whatnot, and am still somewhat suspicious of player groups in space games after having played EVE Online some years ago (seriously, corporate shenanigans and espionage are scarring).

I’m currently hauling my Alliance Chieftan’s heavy ass out to meet Felicity after hauling approximately the same amount of ass from the Wolf 318 general area all the way down to Maia to buy the one Meta-Alloy they had in stock so I can see what the hell these engineers are all about

Visited Felicity and got some tweaks to my FSD. Now making the same journey for another engineer who should be able to bump my shields.

Had to do a minor divert since it chained me through a length of brown dwarf stars, and I got rather low on fuel (despite fitting a second 4C fuel tank on this thing specifically for these trips), and as I sit here waiting for the scoop to do its thing I’m just taking in how spectacular this view is.


Picutres like this makes me want to buy a third gaming desktop so I can play games, too. It’s one of the reasons I avoid this thread by habit.


I’ve been playing around with Mixer the last couple days (which appears to be a Microsoft-owned streaming service/Twitch competitor) and I decided to test it out by playing Elite for a couple hours and doing some pirate hunting.

It’s not for everyone. One of the two people watching was someone from another forum who is known for being a huge proponent of user experience and design, and it rubbed him completely wrong when he tried to run through the tutorials, probably because this is more of a “serious flight sim in space with combat and an economy” versus being a “spaceship game”, but it can definitely be fun if you’re into those kinds of things.

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No, but once I get my new abode organised and have some free time I’d be tempted to create one for CoG members.

I tried to make a CoG Private Group, but the group name is your commander’s name. And I’m not about to start another commander called ‘The Chronicles of George’.

I’m not really into Elite, but I;d kind of like to see a game that combines elements of Elite, FTL, and the old Mac game Escape Velocity.

Big shared-world space game, combat is as much about managing crew as it is positioning, and the simple but fun trading logistics and such from EV.

Anyone is free to use my private group if you’d like, my CMDR name is the same as my forum handle here.

I’d pony up for a Squadron myself, but that apparently costs 10 million credits and I’m only sitting at around 13 million, and I’d like to keep enough for at least a couple rebuys, so I’ma need to do some serious hunting or trading before that’d be a reality.

Only 10M for a squadron? When I get sorted, I’ll create one then.

OK, the CoG squadron has been created.

Search for “Chronicles of George”, callsign “CHRO”.

Ping me an in-game message with your forum name and I’ll handle your application when I get a chance. If that doesn’t work, PM me here with your Elite CMDR name.

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I’d like to join! Commander name is Garrus.

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I’ll go do that after I’m home for the day. I should be easy to identify, my CMDR name is the same as my handle here.

@e4tmyl33t - Congrats! You’re in. (Once I figured out how to drive things… :slight_smile: )

@Lee_Ars - You need to make a request to join the squadron. I can’t add you, I’m afraid.

Ah, derp. I shall do so next time I’m playing Elite!

So, Elite is $8.99 on Steam right now. Is that’s all that’s needed is the base game? It looks like the extra stuff is all cosmetic.

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