Home Ownership

@RoadRunner - we had some serious rains this side, so all site activites was suspended as the TLB would’ve got stuck anyway.

Want to give it a couple of days for the water to finish soaking in and things drying out a bit before we proceed.

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Semi-random question, but I didn’t know where would be better to put it…
If you cut up a tarp, will it fray real bad? Anyone have any experience? I know they’re always folded and sewn around the edges, but dunno if that is for strength - give the grommets more to grab onto.
Reason: It will likely be raining tomorrow when we go on a hayride to look at lights. I don’t want to walk around for the rest of the night with a wet rear end. First thing I though of was the possibility of cutting some pieces out of a cheap Harbor Freight tarp. And as I typed that, I realized that a trash bag might be just as good an idea.

It will eventually fray, but it won’t right away.

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Put strong tape on it (both sides), then cut through the tape. This will give you a good edge that will not fray. For a while.


Groovy, thanks guys!

After cutting take a lighter to the part you just cut and heat it for a few seconds along the whole cut side. That will stop it from fraying for longer.

If I never replace another drain and faucet combo it’ll be too soon.


I have enough of the tools tht if it goes decently it’s almost relaxing.

Thanks, good idea. I was crunched for time when we were leaving, and just grabbed a couple of plastic kitchen trash bags, which worked well enough. Stuffed them in the wife’s purse.

I want to be excited about working on the punch list. I really do. But I am so over this house and all its problems. I have a page and a half list of little things and I just can’t get my brain around doing them. Ugh.

I know that feeling.

Maybe it is time to call it quits for a while, then tackle things again?

I would but these are things that have to be done before selling it. If I were staying here I’d just take a break. But I gotta get in on the market in four months. :cold_sweat:

Today’s project. Last of the projects. Now just little punch list items.

Sadly I could not put the new deadbolt in because the hole size is all wrong. Guess I’ll have to go buy a tool! :grin:


Wish I could come and help! :slight_smile:

Ahh, that’s so annoying. I have an old house, with the original doors. Had to redrill the deadbolt hole so my new one would fit in. And of course that means in order to do so I have to basically ruin a lock drilling template since they are designed to use a pilot hole, which you can’t put in when there is already a hole there.

Clamp that sucker down nice and tight and go for it and pray.

Get a disposable piece that you can use to make a rigid template and drill the hole through that first.
Clamp the new template on the door.
Drill the hole that as your bit guide.

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I tried that, the template I bought wouldn’t play nice doing that and it seemed like there were more possibilities for slippage and damage to the door itself doing that.

I’m sure that’s the right way to do it, but with what I had at the time the other way worked.

The tub in my master bathroom needs to be replaced. I got a quote last night that was about double what I was expecting. I have sticker shock still today. Not a happy camper. Had to vent.

Not nice when things like that happen.

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Hey, at least you got all that overtime last night to help pay for it. Right? Right? :thinking: