Home Ownership

Done with the ceiling. IDC what it looks like. It’s fine. No one will see it bc of the cabinets anyway.

I. Hate. Drywalling.


So, we were supposed to close today. And today we learned about a sellers closing, apparently the appraisal hasn’t finished so the blender isn’t ready for the buyer to sign.

We walked into this blind. No idea when this will hap pen now, but should be within a week, but still, we were depositing that check and arranging pay offs until this happened.

Sing it, sister! I hates it, too. That and finish carpentry.

Rough carpentry, decks/ stairs/ etc, electrical, plumbing… I’m yer guy.
That finicky, painstaking stuff? No thanks.

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I’m in that camp, too. If it requires an artistic touch, I’m pretty much out. In a pinch, I can paint a wall, but I don’t enjoy it - I especially don’t enjoy the prep and cleanup, which is most of the work.

Still waiting on closing.

Picked out my granite. Can’t wait. Reminds me of home… lots of movement, kinda like the beach, or the aftermath of a snowstorm.

Taking a break from the kitchen this weekend. Gonna clean up the outside and inside, and work on some little projects. Cross a few things of the list. Also the kids will be home and that makes working on the kitchen almost impossible. :rofl:


Ha! So my bff decided that she was going to come over this morning and work on the kitchen. So, we worked on the kitchen. Can’t complain, as I need the help. So I guess Tuesday I will work outside. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Anyone got ideas for slamming doors? The door to the garage tends to send a tremor through the 2nd floor when the kids forget to not slam it.

Try not to slam them too hard as you might damage them. Just loud enough to give a shock, but not enough to damage is perfect.

That is what you meant isn’t it? :laughing:


I think that they make soft close hinges that allow the door to close normally except for the last inch or so and then slow it down. A self closing hinge would probably work too, since it will prevent the door from closing faster.

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For a garage door, can anything be done with modifying the springs? I think some models supported that. Not sure about all of them.

Wait… Is it the roll up garage door, or the regular swinging door from the garage to the house?
If the former, then the spring(s) might need to be adjusted. I’ve seen several styles of roll up garage door, and all of the home use type have had some type of spring system. Industrial ones are a different story. But the torsion springs on the double wide ones can hurt you, so don’t jack with it if you aren’t mechanical minded and know what you’re doing.
If the later, is it a heavy solid core door or hollow/light? The type of closer that might help for one isn’t so good for the other, but you can get closers, hinge helpers, or helper hinges for both types. If it is light enough, you might be able to use a simple damper rod, like the closers on screen doors.

My realtor went to go check on the house that was supposed to close on the 10th but didnt.I

Hope in ceiling, squishy floating floor, water in pantry. I get there, someone, we assume the appraiser, set the air to 64, the unit froze, and it melted into the basin, and the emergency shutoff didn’t work. So it turned back on and froze again, flooding the basin when it thawed again, and so on for almost two weeks.

Brand new flooring is done, trim is ruined, cabinets we spent all this work salvaging is ruined. a big chunk of the 25k we put into this is gone, plus more issues. A month of blood, sweat, and tears is gone.

If insurance doesn’t cover this we are fucked. I don’t know how we get out of this. We’ve already maxed every card getting to here, and we can’t afford the payment.

My wife is a wreck, and I’m right behind her. We can’t catch a break with this.

That is absolutely horrible. Insurance should cover that, or if not, you should be able to sue the appraiser who did the damage.

I wish you the best and I sure hope this gets resolved well for you.

Wow, that’s beyond horrible. Sorry, man.

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Ag no man!

I sincerely hope that insurance will cover you.

All of the best!

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That sucks big time. Really hoping the insurance company isn’t a dick about it.

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This is your typical door (much alike the front door to the house) made of solid wood. I wouldn’t care if it was your typical room door that is hollow, but this has weight to it due to its solid nature.

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Ah. I thought it was the roll-down garage door. Lots more options for a normal door, I think.

We’re in the middle of getting the siding replaced on our townhouse. First quote (actually the back-of-the-napkin quote, not even the ‘official’ one) scared us a bit. We can cover it, but it’s a stretch. House would be a very hard sell without getting it done, though.

The door to my garage is solid, too. I had the opposite problem, people flinging it open and letting it swing around and impact whatever was behind it. It was stressful on the hinges.