RIP Thread

No more intergalactic keggers for Rip Torn, 88

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I didn’t realize he was still alive.

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All these people dying that I assumed died ages ago is freaking me out.


Johnny Clegg

Chris Kraft
Ars has an article, too.

The Register has one up as well :

He also appeared in a couple episodes of the BBC’s 13 Minutes to the Moon podcast

They just wrapped up production on that a month or two ago


He was so good at playing scary roles.

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Blade Runner, of course, but also Ladyhawke.

I loved him in Split Second, a 1992 action/sci-fi that basically no one else ever saw. It started as a weird occultish mystery thing and then gave up in favor of gunfire and a monster.

I always think of Ladyhawke. I loved the movie despite the awful soundtrack.

I think I’m going to have to watch that tonight.

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Ladyhawke is pretty much the go-to for Bad Fantasy Movie.

I watched it one weekend while in college and it really wasn’t that bad, though. It’s not great, but it’s perfect watchable. Not MST3k bad, certainly.

Methinks I need to watch Blade Runner again.


Wonders if @Nabiki remembers that a comment about Ladyhawke and the fact that I have the soundtrack on cassette is the reason that I originally de-lurked and joined the board five years ago. :thinking:

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It’s not that the music itself is awful, it’s that it doesn’t match the scenes and jars you out of the story.


Uh … zot maybe?

It doesn’t quite fit, but “The De-lurker’s Guide to De Galaxy” comes to mind.

We watched LadyHawke the other day. One of my favourite movies, despite its age.

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Who shoots up a garlic festival? This is just so messed up.

Edited to correct spacing