No idea on this, but I kickstarted some dice like three years ago, and I’m still getting updates that he’s working really hard. I consider it money thrown out the window and if they ever actually show up I’ll do a nice dance and throw them in with the rest of my dice.
That is a great way to think about it, I kickstarted a board game last year, and forgot about it until they emailed apologizing for a manufacture delay.
I’ve been pretty luck on Kickstarters… But then again, I’ve backed a few RPG ones because a pledge got me PDFs of old stuff I wanted to read, and the new stuff is just a bonus.
The current total is $339 million raised, 10 years of development and the game still hasn’t reached beta. I guess they keep generating income by selling premium ships you’ll be able to use whenever the game finally is released. And raising $17.25 million more from existing investors. If anyone’s looking for a job, they have 109 positions open at various offices in the UK, Germany, Texas and California.
Seriously?? 10 years of development and there is not even a beta release to show for it??
That is unbelievable…
Weren’t they working on a side-game/tech-demo at one point?
@Force10 I’m sure it’ll totally run on the quantum nanoscale GPU you’ll be getting in 2030.
Balance: Yes, Squadron 42. That’s at whatever level of development the main Star Citizen game is. In other words, not officially released yet.
If they keep to their current schedule, by 2040, they will have raised $1 billion. Any bets on whether they might reach the release candidate stage by that point? But I’m sure if they work really hard, they can hit the Gold live release version by the year 2100.
Squadron 42 is just a single player game based in the wider Star Citizen universe. Pretty sure that’s what Star Citizen grew out of.