What game are you playing today?

For the record, I am totally garbage at X-Wing but have some questions:

  • How many keys do you really need to ‘know’? After playing a few hours, I got the hang of the basics: Switching weapons (and modes), changing targeting, some energy reallocation. But I haven’t touched a bunch of oddball keys for comms and such.
  • Is this totally worthless, or at least better than a mouse for flight sims?
  • I got the GoG.com edition because, hey, it was $3. On Mac, this gets me three downloads: The original '93 release, the '94 CD-Rom release, and a '98 Edition which looks to have upgraded the graphics quite a bit. The Steam release is only the Special Edition: Any idea if this will get the better graphics on Mac?
  • Any other tips?

It’s still a fun game even if the graphics are kind of garbage. Putting on my big over-the-ear headset to zone out for a bit really helps de-stress and not feel like I’m doing work if I happen to be at my desk.