Another Gun Free Zone that isn't

“It’s not my job.” Wow. Have we sunk so far?

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Well, to be sexist and likely old fashioned, this was her male history teacher too.

Listen, it’s your job as an adult with children to give your life to protect them. It’s what civilized people do fuckstick. I may think the teachers at most school shootings make the wrong choice, the one they are told to make, but at the least they put their bodies between the bullets and their kids.

And for the sexist part, dudebro, you just so happen to be a man. Part of the societal contract used to be that in return for being respected and getting the best cuts of meat you would promise to endanger yourself to provide for others. That’s history, but even now in a egalitarian society, yeah right, you still have a duty to protect women, despite what the feminists and progressives say, they are generally weaker and more deserving of protection than you are, especially under 18.

I open doors, often I stand up at their entrance, and I protect them. And he sure as hell better protect my daughters.


Our school has just instituted the “ALICE” program, which basically involves barricading everything if possible, spreading out around the room standing, and running around and throwing stuff at an intruder to throw the guy off. So, apparently we’ve just spent a bunch of dollars to teach our kids what yours already know… Better to go down fighting, I always say.


Every time there is a school shooting I talk to my daughters about who ends up dead and who lives. I have yet to see reports of kids running from the school getting shot by a second gunman, or chased by the first. Columbine, the kids running from the library made it out with no more than a potshot in their direction and the ones hiding were all targets.

Hell, I still want to know why the damn firemen didn’t do anything at Newtown. From my understanding a couple kids ended up there, right next door to the shooting, and the cops didn’t get there for 12 minutes or so. Firehose vs. AR15, the hose wins.Hell, pull the fire alarm. Make the environment as uncomfortable and disorienting as possible for the attacker.

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Not to mention, people who want to commit violence are not going to honor your “I’m not fighting” stance. They’re going to commit violence. And if you let them? They’re still going to commit violence.

I’ve been the subject of random violence. They didn’t care if I fought back or not. They outnumbered me and they had a major advantage over me: They knew what they were going to do to me. I didn’t.

Damn right, fight back. You might get hurt, but you won’t be blaming yourself for what happened to you. You’ll be able to look yourself in the face in the mirror.

And to everyone who says “Perpetuating the violence isn’t the answer”, you are correct. But people committing violence aren’t asking a question. They’re making a demand. And if you submit to their demands… they’ll demand more.

@Woodman, I would suggest suing the teacher. It might be a nuisance lawsuit, but telling your daughter that she isn’t worth fighting for is a reprehensible act.

And on the subject of using “normal” objects as weapons, I always feel insulted when I am asked at a security checkpoint “Do you have any weapons?”

First of all, what kind of idiot is going to say “Yes”? Second of all, I write science-fiction. If I can’t figure out how to use a random object as a weapon, I’m not doing my job right!

Spread out a bunch of random objects, spin your daughter around a couple times, and tell her to defend herself. Frankly, if I had kids, I’d be teaching that lesson before they went off to school the first day.

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If I could be sure she would get corroboration from classmates I would consider it. But I have more things on my plate than fighting the teacher’s union. The statement that it’s not his job just floored me.

I’ve always wondered what would happen if you were to start listing the items you were carrying or were right around you in that line that you could kill or seriously injure someone with what the response would be. “Well, I have this plastic pen cap I could imbed in your temple, or gouge your eyes out with, my wallet has a credit card I could open your throat with, I could smack you in the throat with my kindle and crush your trachea, and I could stomp on your foot and break your knee with my bare feet. Other than that, nah.” “Oh, and I also have a metal survival tool in my wallet you never catch, that has two blades and a saw on it, and my belt is nice heavy leather with a hefty buckle.”

I know I’m not hijacking an airplane, so I’m the safest person to be armed as far as I’m concerned. And if the asshole causing trouble is armed with a box knife or some stupid plastic knife he’s under prepared. I’m no hero, and I’m no Bruce Lee, but at least I’ve thought of it ahead of time and won’t just sit there shitting myself.

Here’s a video I watched at an ‘active shooter’ training session at a local technical college about a year ago:

I don’t know if it’s just me, but whenever I see Woodman & ClockWorkXon agreeing like this I keep checking the sky for signs of the apocalypse.


I keep looking for the apocalypse too.

Once all the Christians, Jews, and Muslims are gone, the rest of us can finally clean up the mess and relax.

I’ve often wondered what would happen if I said “Yes, I have a brain.” But knowing TSA and the guards at Social Security, I’d probably get shot.

Yeah, the next novel in the Sorcerer’s Sanctuary series has a discussion of role-playing various scenarios, so that if the situation arises, the students have already thought their actions through.

I’ve contemplated the same, but if you’re not even allowed to mention the word “bomb” in “their” presence, I’m thinking it wouldn’t go over well.

But I won’t fly unless I HAVE to. Wife has been agreeable with long vacation drives so far - we drove around Nebraska in '11, I drove to Boston for work.

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Hey! he can’t do that!

Check out the door at 1 minute in! That building is posted NO GUNS!


A couple of the casinos in Reno had conspicuous signs warning that nobody carrying a gun was allowed on the premises. I found it funny to watch the armed security guards carrying in the cash and change from the armored car.

You know better than that. The need to create and destroy an “other” is too deep in our genes. Look at any society out there, hell look at Atheist Plus, that’s a mess in a bucket right there. I’m a better Atheist than you because you are a misogynist.

I’m not anti-theist at all, and I am not a misogynist. I’m a misanthropist.

Reading comprehension is just one of many issues that guy has.

I know! Those shoes, that haircut… He needs a makeover.

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I remember my vague what-if plan for what to do if someone ever started shooting up the Boeing office was that I’d go run and hide in the data center. Reinforced doors and walls! Giant racks of dense servers and storage arrays! I’d be safe there!

Unless the shooter was one of my fellow sysadmins. Which, considering the workload, made them much more likely candidates than random engineers. Wah-wah :frowning:


You would’ve had to fight with a cable as your weapon. Or a pen from what I gather.

Good luck!

I’m just glad these idiots are all using guns instead of blocking a door or two, pouring gasoline down the hall and lighting the place on fire.

Imagine what would have happened if that dude in the movie theater had had a couple home made napalm Molotov cocktails. Gasoline, packing peanuts, and a bottle, instead of a gun he could have had a drill and screwed the fire exit shut on his way out.

People think of guns as these magic rays that instantly kill people, but if they aren’t all huddled together it’s hard to shoot people. People die by the dozens in accidental bar fires imagine someone planning one for maximum effect.