It’s time to get cracking on certs again. I’m tired of waiting around for work to send me to my requested training (I’ll post that story in a War Story). Gratch is also trying to study for a cert so I’m looking for resources. Namely test engines. I usually go for TestKing but for the amount of tests I will be taking plus what Gratch will be doing, that will get expensive real quick. I remembered BrainDump from back in the day and they offer a $30 a month subscription to about 4500 certs. That seems like a good deal for us as we can share it. Question is, are they any good? Anyone have any other suggestions for cramming for cert exams?
My roommate is a Linux teacher at a local trade school. I’ve asked him for some resources, since part of his job is helping students prep for cert exams. I’ll let you know as soon as I get a reply.
Thanks Nabiki. I am taking the Linux Foundation Intro to Linux @ edX which is good. But I’m always on the lookout for other resources. Linux know-how can get me some nice dollas out here and I like it.
Well after looking into it may be more of a scam. But I’ve found some other resources for anyone looking for classes.
Microsoft Virtual Academy (Windows) - When in doubt, go to the source
Red Hat Training (Linux) - And when in more doubt, go to the open source (see what I did there?
Cisco Learning Network (Cisco) - For switches and routers and etc.
Pluralsight (Everything) - This was TrainSignal till they got bought out. Another subscription based model but seems to have a better record than the other site.
I used 15 years ago when doing an MCP (NT4) - more recently, Avanset Visual CertExam (for VCP 5.1). I found VCE to be very good.
There is another excellent product I used 5+ years ago when preparing for various bits of my MCSE, but I’ve forgotten what it’s called… I’ll poke around my pile o’digital crap and find the name.
The school my roommate works for uses ExamView. It costs, but it’s pretty close to the actual tests.
Thanks Nabiki, I’ll keep them in mind.
Time to revive a dead thread.
I have a few resources for the comptia net+ test that im am studying for, I use exam compass to practice on, as well as the study books for the n10-006. I think they just went to a new test and was hoping to know how different it was from the current one (if anyone here has taken it).
I have my A+ . What certs are more desirable in general?
All of them.
Fair enough.
I think i should ask if my work will/would pay for me to take the cert test or at least the study materials.
I may be cleaning out some space soon and looking to get rid of some old ‘lab’ Cisco gear. Anyone want it? Shipping outside the US is likely prohibitive, but I’m looking to clear out some old gear to get the space back if anyone wants it.
If the college weren’t closing I would totally take it, but I can’t think of where I would put it, personally.
That’s my problem: I’m re-evaluating the next to have a rack full of stuff I don’t use.
I figured I’d ask around before it goes to e-waste… Which won’t be for a while as I’m not sure if it’s even open.