Chairs and chair reviews

I had the opposite problem - with a lot of the ones I looked at the “recommended height” started at 5’9". I guess they think only tall folk or supermodels need gaming chairs…

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Same here. I was willing to pony up the $$$ but the “delivery in January maybe” was a deal-breaker. I ended up going for this one:

I wanted it with blue accent trim but the only one in stock was the red, which I can live with. And, as a bonus, I had enough points built up on my credit card that I was able to cash in almost $60 against the final total.

Shorter gamers are expected to just bounce up and down as needed on one of those big yoga balls, I think.

I guess the fancier chairs have dedicated attached head rests and back support that might be height specific. Besides the previously stated issue of not being able to see if the chair is occupied from behind. (My solution is big hair. Really big hair.)

I went with this one. In three separate colors. Hopefully they are good and the speakers don’t suck.


That is in my cart, let me know how you like it, im working from home and am using a kitchen chair. I was using my lazy boy but i kept falling asleep in it during work hours…

I feel like there’s a definite jump in productivity going from an ‘informal’ workspace to something more formal. (And I use a KVM at my general basement desk…)

I did about a year of WFH 3 days a week a couple years ago, and besides noise isolation I really appreciated having a proper desk that time.

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My boys are currently using old kitchen chairs at their desks. They will be so excited to have real chairs. I’m easy to please, though, as evidenced by my kitchen that is six months into a remodel and still not done…it works so… :woman_shrugging:t3::joy::woman_facepalming:

When I worked from home my gaming machine and my work machine were on opposite ends of the house. My wife is working on a sofa table up against a window and we are getting ready to clear out the space I used to use so she can move there. We repurposed the whole room when I quit so it’s been a process of cleaning stuff out so there is room for the stuff so we can move the other stuff and then install the office.

I think it makes a huge difference to have a real place. OTOH, I think it also helps to be able to move to another room and do things there.

The chair arrived yesterday (two days early!) and Mr. TM put it together for me. The plate that goes over the seat back lever is cracked, so I have to get in touch with the seller about that. Other than that it went together pretty easily. It’s a nice, solid chair. I’m finding my back is sore today, likely because I’m sitting up straight for the first time in years. I read an article that essentially said to give it a couple of weeks before deciding there’s something wrong because of that, to give your body a chance to adapt to sitting properly in a chair.