Coupons, sales, causes, and donations

We used to have a thread like this, but I can’t find it. Probably was from a previous incarnation…

Anna’s Linens is collecting donations for St. Jude’s on their website. Their goal is $600K (US), they are almost halfway there.

(This is part of the St. Jude’s Thanks and Giving© Campaign founded by St. Jude’s founder Danny Thomas’ three kids: Marlo, Terre and Tony Thomas)

Additional information and options are available here: (check out the St. Jude’s placemats)

20% off video games through Amazon Prime when pre-ordering physical media.

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Hunh, still going to pre-order X-COM II from steam though.

First game I’m pre-ordering since I can’t even remember.

Yeah, I saw that, too. I got Halo 5 through Amazon preorder, and due to them stacking the price matching, got a great deal. But I bought my last few games as digital downloads on the MS/Xbox store directly through the console, with the Xbox Live Gold discount, and am really enjoying the convenience of not needing to swap out the disc every time I want to switch to a different game.

I’ll load discs if it saves me some money. That’s what I have kids for. :slightly_smiling:

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