Continuing the discussion from Things you wish you could say (everywhere):
So for those who read the original comment, I’ve resolved this issue.
The Problem: $Mother-in-law reports that her iPad has been haxxored! She clicks on links and gets a popup saying it’s been hacked and the battery is being drained. Also, it won’t charge!
The Twist: The content being viewed in Safari when the issue occured was of an adult nature.
Yup, pr0n.
Resolution: Charging cable had failed. Replaced with one I had in my game night bag as a spare. We’ll call it a gift, especially if it avoids discussing the other stuff.
I also provided $Wife with a suggestion to educate user as to how to close tabs in Safari. We’re desperately hoping that some or all of the tabs that made us go ,
, or a few reactions we don’t have emoticons for.
I wisely closed tabs before connecting to wifi (Which $M-i-L refers to unironically as “weefee”) but here’s some of the tab contents burned into memory:
[spoiler]* Several for her bank.
- A few for her job’s scheduling system.
- Several for sites resembling Youtube, but with colors instead of “you”
- Several for something titled “18 and Abused” which were apparently cached as we did catch an eyeful (thankfully tame).
- Some URLs with categories for various adult sites. Huh, so she apparently is itnerested in supporting men of color. Large men of color.
- More pr0n sites I’ve blocked from memory.[/spoiler]
$Wife and I laughed over most of this… The abuse stuff is a little weird, and I admit we’re both a little grossed out, but we’re trying to deal with the necessary and totally normal, “Yes, parents have sex” reaction.
I also pointed out that while I’m not an expert Pr0n surfer myself (and that’s a boy scout badge they could sell out of in 24 hours…) some of the tabs could be the result of pop-up type behavior combined with not knowing how to close tabs (which causes slowness).
But Wait, There’s More!: Cleaned up, confirmed charging, updated apps, etc. All is well. $Wife decided to put our dog on the iPad’s wallpaper as a joke instead of $M-i-L’s dog. This meant opening up the camera app, taking a couple pics, and then going into the settings app. Select wallpaper, select camera roll…
So, it’s apparently relatively easy for people not used to iPads to figure out either the screenshot button or the ability to save images from web sites to the camera roll. See previous spoiler-marked list and use your imagination, folks.
TL;DR: Old people are bad with technology. Old people are horny. This iPad is no longer safe for use by the younger nieces and nephews. Also no longer safe for the older nieces and nephews. Also, considering asking $Wife to bring home some rubber gloves before further work is done.