Free Windows 10

I wound up having to do a complete reset with Windows 10, which borked a whole hell of a lot of stuff I use.

Okay, so Winamp won’t work, Clover won’t work, one of the Toshiba utilities keeps getting interrupted by someing in Windows…

And I am probably going to have to raise hell to get Microsoft Office back. Online my ass.

At least I have a real start menu again.

Y’all aren’t exactly selling Windows 10, here. Still on 7 for my two Windows machines.

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Ah but Windows 10 will have DirectX-12 for all your video graphic advancements!

…although I wonder how long it will take people to actually use it. Everyone was stuck on DirectX-9 for so long because of the bloody Xbox and companies wanting to maintain portability even if it wasn’t necessary even to the point now that there are people on game forums (who evidently don’t understand much about the subject they’re talking about) who actively complain when a new game is brought out that advises you have a DX-10-or-above compatible video card. Yes, lets all ignore the fantastic work the developers have done in making such a beautiful game that still runs pretty well on your £300 Sandy-Bridge Celeron laptop because herp derp you want a DX-9 version so you can play it on the hulking monolith in your parents house that’s running XP SP2 because SP3 was “evil”.

Sorry. I may have been dealing with the technologically illiterate today, complaining about a game I rather like even though the Mac/Linux version is currently suffering crippling OGL issues.

Seriously though, I understand why the games industry got stuck on DX-9 for so long - that’s not to say I agree with their reasoning, but I understand why they did it - but the completely hap-hazard gradual shift to DX-10 that’s underway despite the fact that DX-11 and now 12 have arrived already really makes me feel rather annoyed when people actively crowd forums to tell developers to stop developing because nobody’s cheap craptops can handle modern standards because they’ve been built to the lowest common denominator - ie, DX-9 compatible graphics and sound.

Back on topic though, Windows 10 seems perfectly sound to me, and I should know, I’ve got a whole family of technologically illiterate people who’re all happy with their upgraded laptops, all of which seem to be running much smoother than they did under Win8.1 — and the Samsung laptop is finally free of all the damn Samsung software that was deliberately disabling Windows Update so that it could call home whenever it liked in order to suck in USB driver updates that over-wrote the standard ones because Samsung have some beef with MSFT because… I dunno… reasons?

I prefer windows 10 to 8.1, which is what both my computers at home had. Windows 7 currently still my favorite operating system and is what I use at work. If both my machines at home were 7, I probably wouldn’t have upgraded.

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This Office 365 thing is bullshit, I just paid for Office last fall, and now they want to bilk me of more money.

Who do they think they are, Wizards of the Coast?


One of my PC’s has Office 2010 while the other has Office 2013 and both of those survived the upgrade to Windows 10 on their respective machines. I’ve always been a bit wary of the subscription based model of Office 365. Both 2010 and 2013 serve my needs just fine (as well as the Office 2007 I use at work), so I see no need to upgrade those as well.

Google owns my soul already, so I use Google Docs.

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I am in the same situation but with Apple. Pages online is actually rather nice as far as online word processors go…

I forgot that I still had Disk Cleaner doing automatic maintenance. When some things went wonky, I tried to do a rollback, but the only option was a Reset, and I didn’t realize until too late how much of a FUBAR that was.

I kept my documents, at least. Some applications are gone, and not a few drivers and system settings. Unfortunately, Office was one of the application suites that is gone. I finally figured how to download Office off the Microsoft Office site (the instructions and link is nigh-impossible to find).

Slowly working my way back to full functionality. I can’t create Recovery Media (Windows 10 destroyed that too), so I have to wait until after the move to order it from Toshiba.

So far I haven’t found anything in Windows 10 that I really want or need. Just a bunch of headaches.

Both my machines upgraded without any major issues, for which I’m eternally grateful.

I think one of the ways this can be summed up is the following:

  • If you have Windows 8 or 8.1, do the upgrade just so you can be rid of those.
  • If you have Windows 7, you want to take a really good look at staying where you are because if you do upgrade, you’re trading the free support you’ll have during the next decade for paying for OS support in about two years.

I had 8.1. I had gotten rid of the dumb “charms” screen and had spiffed up a few other features.

I am still not seeing anything that 10 does better.

Yeah, I had a feeling Microsoft was forcing people to accept their new model. If we have to subscribe to a support/service, do I at least get Windows Live access for free? Or am I being too greedy here…

I read a few articles this morning about it. Specifically this one. Apparently, Windows 10 is looking to be like the next King Game (Candy Crush, for those who don’t know). Ad-ware, crap-ware, nag-ware, etc. will be throughout the Windows experience. For those who’ve crossed over, is this getting more noise than it should?

I don’t think so. My computer, which is less than a year old, is running much slower right now. And suddenly a lot of video ads on different sites, sites I have gone to in the past, are on auto-play.

Maybe it’s coincidence, but I am going to be very happy to roll back to 8.1 (I have to order the recovery media because the DVD-Rs I made are not working for some reason.

Haven’t you heard, DVDs are archaic remnants of the previous era of computing; of course Windows 10 won’t read them! Windows 10 is the future! The future! It has no need for your silly shiny discs, when it can open a direct server link to Microsoft whenever it wants and suck in umpteen gigabytes of data!

/s …or is it?

It is done.

I am now picturing a man covered in blood, holding an axe, standing in front of the Acer headquarters. IT IS DONE.

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Actually, I have a Toshiba.

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Damn if the GWX didn’t reload during an update (I could have sworn that I turned off the “automatically update everything on my computer until it is borked again and automatically restart no matter what else I am doing” option). I have uninstalled it twice.

I’m seriously thinking of redoing everything with Linux. And I don’t even know Linux.

Hell, I’d be willing to go with VAX/VMS right now, if only to just get rid of Microsoft.

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Join us, come, be free of Redmond*, we have kernels for you to recompile.

  • okay, so I still have Skype… that doesn’t count though.