I went to GenCon. After becoming a grandparents on Thursday afternoon my wife and I went on downtown Thursday night to pick up our badges and roam the event.
Went back Friday, but she took a break to visit baby and pick up our youngest, who just about died when she walked in that night. Then Saturday morning we went and set up the house for the baby and picked some of my daughter’s vegetables that were starting to go bad. After spending 4 hours working my ass off we went back to GenCon in time for the costume parade.
Then I did a bad thing. I got my youngest signed up for the Beginner Pathfinder modules, a total of four modules later (Until 11:30 that night, and then two Sunday morning) she got a certificate and a 10% off coupon on the beginner boxed set. Sunday was the Pathfinder games and more shopping, and I finally tracked down Howard Taylor to sign his book for me.
Lessons for next year.
Schedule myself more events, generics are nice to have but I spent a lot of time wandering. Schedule some RPG time.
Pack lunch, and drinks, in car. We had planned to pack stuff, but the baby really threw us off.
Remind daughters not to have babies during GenCon.
Don’t wear flip flops the whole time.