George's Recipe Book

Continuing the discussion from What Made You Happy Today?:

You got it.

In case anyone else wants to try my “Instant Pot Quick Chili” abomination, here’s what I have as the recipe:

  • 3lbs 80/20 ground beef
  • 5 10.5 oz cans Campbell’s condensed tomato soup
  • 1 40.5 oz can light red kidney beans
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tbsp white pepper
  • 2 tbsp chili powder
  • 1 tbsp chipotle chili powder

Use the Instant Pot’s Saute function to brown the ground beef, adding the salt, white pepper, garlic, and onion powders to the meat during the cooking. Turn off the IP, drain the meat and return to the IP pot.

Add the condensed soup, kidney beans, and chili powders. Mix well.

Turn the IP back on Saute and heat for ~20 minutes, stirring occasionally (maybe stirring frequently?) to avoid anything burning to the bottom of the pot.

Tada, quick chili!

Note: This doesn’t actually REQUIRE an Instant Pot, I just call it that because that’s what I make it in. Theoretically you can do this in any pot if you figure out the right heating level for your stovetop.


Your recipe is missing cumin. Chili needs cumin.

Hm. How much would you recommend, given the amounts of other spices in it? I’ll look into adding that next time and see if it enhances it.

Edit: Also, something that I forgot to add to this batch that I’ll have to remember for future ones: Cocoa powder. Not entirely sure what it does to chili but I’ve heard that it does good things.

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Since you have 2 Tbsp of chili powder, I would add at least 1 Tbsp of cumin. If you like it a little spicier, add two.

Technically there’s 3 tbsp of chili powder (if you add the chipotle into the consideration), but I’ll make a note for myself for next time, definitely

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I might try some of your ingredients in my next batch. I’ve won two small chili cook offs, and it never hurts to look for variations.

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Or curry powder. I always add it to mine.

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A lot like my recipe. But I use discounted steak or roasts cubed up, and more beans. Throw in a beer too, preferably something skunked and cheap. And tomato paste and crushed tomatoes instead of soup.

My oldest didn’t like ground beef so I started making it with whatever was manager’s special at the store. Now I pull the cuts we don’t use from our half beef. And use pinto, kidney, and black beans.

I cook it for at least 12 hours, sometimes longer. I can usually eat it with a fork. Reminds me of vegemite. Though I can also make it the consistency of beef stew.

So I guess it isn’t close… but close enough.

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Mine isn’t anywhere near that thin. This is thick enough that you can probably use it as wall spackling. Bonus to that: It also works pretty damn good as a hotdog topping :smiley:


Made it again this weekend with the added cocoa powder and cumin!


How did it turn out?

Good! I think the cocoa/cumin seemed to give it a little bit of a sweetness? Not sure. It’s a little different than last time but definitely still good.

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The cumin adds a bit of kick and that traditional chili flavour.

I just made up a new drink, and … DAMN.

I think I’mma call it the Thicc Marg because it’s so fat on the back end.

Typical margarita.

  • juice of one lime
  • a pinch of salt
  • an ounce of Cointreau or other orange liqueur
  • a couple more ounces of tequila (as many as you can stand)
  • another pinch or two of Chunky Chaat Indian spice (available at most Asian stores)

Wow. This is my second in a row, and I’ve had to really pay attention to spell everything correctly here. Boozy, tasty, a touch salty, and really smooth. That may be the aged tequila. That may be my aged taste buds.

This one is going into the rotation for the summer.