HIVEBRAIN: book flask titles

I’m still looking for the perfect new product. I picked up a 4 different sizes of stainless steel flasks.

The smallest one is going to get a simple leather wrap. It has a keychain clip on one end is appropriately sized.

For the other 3, I want to put them into hidden holes in books. I can probably get most of the books I need really cheap from online book sellers.

If you have any appropriate titles, please let me know.

I can use any random book I find, but always appreciate a little cheek.


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That’s deep, man.

This might go over well in a few circles… :wink:


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…or this one…

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I suppose I should take a look at how many pages there generally are to the inch. The inside of the book has to be a minimum of 1" thick. I had a couple in mind that turned out to be too thin.

Surprise. I googled it.

There’s beer for dummies, and homebrewing for dummies.

You can print a fake spine, ‘fill’ the books with filler so they’ll be fat enough to hide the bottles.

A book restorer should be able to help with this if you explain to him/her what you want.

Alternatively, haunt a second-hand book store and buy up all the ancient hard-backs and use them.
Who’s going to look for a hip flask buried in one volume of a 1950’s set of Encyclopedia Brittanica??

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lol, who’ll think to bother an Encyclopaedia? Not worth bothering old ink and paper.