Hmmm... nice digs

A soul is a soul, right?

Unless it’s a sole. Then you can choose whether it’s a fish or a shoe.


Oh, that’s just way too much like work. : - p

On a side note, apparently there is not an emoji for sticking one’s tongue out, and the “thumbs down” icon looked entirely too much like a certain other body part that probably can’t be mentioned here. Or maybe that’s just me…

And now I find in the song thread a cheat sheet to emoticons/emoji/whatever they’re called now and see it’s there. I was doing it wrong. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thumbs down icon still looks like a < censored >, though.

HERE IS TONGUE: :stuck_out_tongue:

(try typing :p and it will auto-fill)

Wonderful to see you, @MsTanja! Starting to feel like the good old days all up in here :smile:

Being the new guy, I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone here. Welcome back… :sunglasses:

Wow, bleeding edge forum software seems to bring everyone out of the woodwork, @Lee_Ars!

Or a Seoul, in which case … nope, can’t come up with a good rejoinder for that one.

I’m sure there’s a joke about kimchi in there somewhere. :smile:

@MsTanja will be very bored in Korea if there’s only a sole soul in Seoul.

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How many souls could @MsTanja take if MsTanja took all the souls?


darn you! now I’m craving woodchuck…and they’re all off hibernating. :paw_prints:

At least they’re not chucking your wood. :smile:

Nobody better be chucking me.

The sole soul of a woodchuck in Korea is chucking @Woodman’s wood?


Woot! A title… :smile:

If you weren’t already Zot!ed…