HyperV standalone installation

So M$ released HyperV as a standalone installation so you don’t need to install Server2016 just to run HyperV.

Now, there are three ways to manage this HyperV thing.

  1. Use Powershell. You can do it, but it is for experts only. Faffed around a bit, but was like “nah, if something borks, I want my PFY or somebody else to be able to fix things and not faff around in a CLI”…
  2. Use SSL certificates. Naaah, was not up to that, too schleppful. If anybody managed to pull this off, do post here.
  3. Use a domain. Which I did. Quick (well, almost) and painless.

Requirements :

1x server running HyperV 2016 (make sure you gots the RAM, HDD etc)
1x laptop/desktop running Windows10.
Windows10 licence.
Server2016 licence (for 8 cores).

Method :

Install the HyperV role on the Windows10 PC.
Create a new VM.
Install Server2016 into this VM.
Make it a Primary DC.

Once the primary DC is up and running, join both the Windows10 PC and the HyperV server to it.

Open the HyperV mmc on the Win10 PC, and connect to the HyperV server. Now you can add and manage your VM’s the easy way.

Oh, the extra Win10 licence? Install win10 as a VM and use that VM to manage HyperV that way.

The Server2016 licences is 4 for the PDC, and 4 for another Win2k16 install. M$ licences it per CPU core.

EDIT : post to be edited or amended, still new with this doohicky thing.

Good information. I think I’ll bring it up in class today.

Seems like you may have a recursion loop there, how will the Win10 laptop handle authentication if it’s using the domain it’s hosting via HyperV for authentication?

(Think “first login after a reboot and before the HyperV stuff has all been started”.)

Credential caching.

M$ claims to have fixed this sort of thing with their latest HyperV platform. Remains to be seen though - although we are using a HyperV cluster with a DC running on the one node outside the cluster.

Never had any issue so far even though we bounced the cluster a couple of times already.

Figured out you can (if you’re really, really cheap) use the primary DC as means to manage the HyperV install by installing the HyperV feature onto it if you’re brave enough. :slight_smile:

I don’t do Hyper-V but I do a LOT in VMware and AD stuff. Don’t ignore the PowerShell side of things. Yes, for troubleshooting when things go pear-shaped it’s not the best for a beginner but for automation and reports it is sooo nice. Just this Friday, I wrote a PS script that connects to a vCenter install and exports literally everything about it to Excel so I can re-import it if things go bad. It also connects to the DC and pulls everything even going so far as to pull the ACL’s for individual OU’s.

Plus, it’s cooler to say ‘I wrote this. Look upon my code, ye Mighty, and despair!’ and show the logic that to say ‘I pressed a button’.


Flapping (invalid) iSCSI connections is one of the major causes of grief to Winadmins.