Infra - indie adventure game

Stumbled upon this, and it really do look good.

If you’re a fan of adventure point and click games, this should be right up your alley.

I’ve watched a few youtube clips (spoilers) and it do look excellent, with a HUGE play area and lots of puzzles to figure out.

So going to buy this end of this month for Ookson and myself to play together.


So how is it? I generally prefer the ‘funny’ point & click adventures, and this one looks a bit more on the serious side.

More importantly, do you feel there’s a sense of trust with the developer? I heard that in a discussion recently: the good games of the golden age of adventure games were set up so you trusted the devs to provide hints and test well enough that game-logic-breaking bugs. A lot of flash games and such betrayed this by having limited testing.

Purchase delayed, we have other expenses that need to be attended to first :frowning:


Purchased. Now is a good time as any due to COVID-19 lockdown.

And it is enjoyable. Lots of space, making it a real mission to find out what you have to do, and objects hidden in obvious places…

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Woo hoo. Really impressed with it. Lots of puzzles, nice soundtrack and good graphics.

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Will try to snaffle a screenshot or two the next time I play.

Bought this on sale for $12 the other day, and it’s interesting. A little disconcerting to not have any guidance and the battery mechanic should die in a fire. But I like it.

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Haven’t had a chance to explore any further, due to us packing up stuff etc.

Been itching to explore further. Getting more and more interesting as you delve deeper and deeper into this mess. :slight_smile:

Agreed on the battery mechanic. Said torch is a futtup, remind me never to purchase that brand.

Same for the camdamera.

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All of the high-marked guides and mods and whatnot deal with battery life.

Been itching to play it further… think I may get a chance this weekend.

Yay, there is a thread with screenshots galore on Steam :

Making a bit of progress, am inside the old steel mill basement. Lots of coughing and hacking. Figured out how to survive long enough.

Oh boy, it do get hectic at times… am almost finished at Stalburg Steel - and there was a gas explosion which destroyed a control room and some other stuff…

Found somebody’s hidden mushroom farm, lol. (before the gas explosion).

Bonus brownie points - it is playable on Linux Mint under Proton. Cool stuff.

edit : new episode is done at height, and I hate heights :frowning:

The Ook in the High Castle :

Heyup, anybody for a BBQ?

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