Doing some work on the site, and will be flipping it to read-only mode while the surgery is ongoing. Shouldn’t take too long.
(HA HA, he said, sysadmin-ingly)
Doing some work on the site, and will be flipping it to read-only mode while the surgery is ongoing. Shouldn’t take too long.
(HA HA, he said, sysadmin-ingly)
This topic is now pinned. It will appear at the top of its category until it is either unpinned by a moderator, or the Clear Pin button is pressed.
I am…cautiously optimistic that this worked.
Hmmmm, okay, it mostly worked.
We’ve just undergone a pretty major update, from old-style standalone Discourse to shiny new Docker-based Discourse (the LXC containerized Docker, not the pants). There are some backend things to be worked out, but everything mostly looks OK.
I’ve got the old site backed up and ready to be restored if this ends up collapsing, though.