Savoring the Disfunction

I’m really wondering if the cost-benefit analysis of outsourcing tons of technical staff included the couple of months of fuckitall when moral manages to reach Marianas Trench depths.

I’m being forced to put pressure on vendors I like and rely on because we can’t seem to get a PO out the door correctly.

Ooh! and now we’re going to go DEEPER!

My suggestion is to find yourself another job. If that’s not an option, then a large bottle of “To hell with all this” should tide you over.

I hope things get better soon.

Outsourcing does not always work.

But people think they can save money - but they don’t realize that not only are they outsourcing to the same company, lots of other people will also do the same… which means in practice that four techies need to attend to the needs of 50 or so companies…

It is far better keeping IT in-house and know that you will get a prompt response and somebody dedicated to the task… BTW how sure are you that you can trust those outsourced technicians?

Naaaah, not worth the risk. Penny wise, pound foolish.

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If you outsource IT, who does the CEO stand over to clean the porn virus off his computer right now now now so he can go back to playing solitaire?

External help does not prioritize the same way internal does.

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Outsourcing isn’t always about money. Sometimes there’s just a deep-seated belief in higher management that “we’re not an X company.” X can be cloud, storage, development, IT, email…you name it. They just want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that X isn’t something that should even be discussed within the office walls - just pay someone to do it so we don’t have to deal with the hassle.

Guess what - every company is a tech company now. Even if you’re farming the work out to someone else, you still have to understand it so that you don’t get screwed over. The faster people wake up to this fact, the better.


It’s like saying in the 70’s you aren’t a typewriter or carbon paper company.

Og running meat procurement industry here, not chisel and tablet shop.

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Oh, I’m being outsourced. It’s inevitable at this point. Unless things change, I’m looking at a few months of handoff, then a pretty impressive severance.

I honestly don’t care at this point.

When I talk to my new manager, I do plan to point out several points where things are broken and go from there. A lot of the things users complain about won’t be fixed without infusion of money, which obviously outsourcing won’t want to spend on. Some are cheap and easy, just focusing on picking one system for managing details and creating and environment in which people give a shit.

It’ll be interesting. Not what I was hoping to dominate 2015, but if I hit severance I’ve got some projects to keep myself busy while I look.


Current company’s core business is IT as we develop software for [redacted] as well as supply hardware for [redacted].

Yet it seems that manglement prefers not to be involved with anything IT - Boss and myself still is struggling to procure a new server as the original one is almost bursting its seams, and is now more than 5 years old.

Big mistake.

What happened to IT (and tech) companies that does not adapt quickly? They die out.

Oh, this was my thread originally?

Turns out I did get outsourced, worked for $LargeTelco (Think “Death Star”) for about 9 months, and had an offer to stay on longer that would have included no more money, less stability, and a mandatory drive to an office 45-60 minutes away where they would probably have no idea who I am or why I’m there. Also, same boss.

It was originally a 3 month deal, then extend to 6. Then a further bump to 9. I only took the last one to get past my wedding, as I thought it would suck to be on the honeymoon while unemployed. I still and to deal with being scheduled “on call” despite a condition of taking the last extension being the time off being guaranteed.

I was out of work for three weeks as it turns out, which is nothing. Ironically, have the almost same drive, but at least they know me at the new office. It’s not perfect, but it’s great experience and I feel like I’m actually listened to a little, at least.

It’s a year contract, and I’ll probably be unemployed again right before me and the wife’s next big trip. (Honeymoon was Disney World… 1st Anniversary will be a cheaper, delayed trip to Disney World. 2nd anniversary will probably involve staying home and throwing things at each other or something.) (Don’t panic: we’ll probably just throw pillows or soft dog toys.)

I almost got to tell my old boss my final determiner for not taking the $BigTelco job was that it was essentially competing with itself:

Offer 1 was $BigTelco and would require driving to Office X 2x a week for no reason, Office Y (that I worked at for 16 years) “as needed” and working from home. Pay was the same as Offer 2, with an expected job length of anywhere from 3 months to infinity, although it got less likely the longer it got. Rumors suggested it was not a long-term viable option.

Offer 2 was also from $BigTelco, and was the severance package. Essentially, I was paid to do nothing I didn’t want to do for about 6-8 months. No commute, no responsibilities. Also, guaranteed. Benefits sucked, I admit.