I have a G+ account, but I haven’t used it in years.
To de-googol your device, have a look over on the XDA forums. There’s sure to be something there to help. You may need to drop a custom ROM onto it that’s been de-googoled by the ROM author.
For an Android device, just be aware that “de-Googling” the phone will usually also remove your ability to utilize the Play Store and you’ll need to use some other app store (like Amazon’s, or the like)
Maybe this is the beginning of the end for Facebook (and other sites) who love to slurp users’ details (sell it for a tidy profit) etc and slap adverts in your face.
WeMe looks good (as G+ replacement) and if they will start to request an annual subscription fee then I’ll happily pay it, knowing I won’t be subject to slurpage. Plus it’s a closed group so you should not see any trolling or spamming.