The death of G+

Seems like googol decided to terminate G+ as they don’t want to be zucked into a facebook nightmare, with GDPR etc.

I’m part of three communities on G+:
IT Professionals
Retro Computers
IT Security

Sad to lose it all, hopefully we’ll manage to find a solution we can fallback to.

Who else is on G+?

And, whilst on this topic, how do one degoogol one’s phone/device?

I have a G+ account, but I haven’t used it in years.

To de-googol your device, have a look over on the XDA forums. There’s sure to be something there to help. You may need to drop a custom ROM onto it that’s been de-googoled by the ROM author.

For an Android device, just be aware that “de-Googling” the phone will usually also remove your ability to utilize the Play Store and you’ll need to use some other app store (like Amazon’s, or the like)

G+ also got caught keeping a huge leak secret from what I’ve heard.

Purely for the title, I like this coverage of the story:


The title made me :rofl:

I saw this one recently too…

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The one article on El Reg refers :

:rofl: :rofl:


Maybe this is the beginning of the end for Facebook (and other sites) who love to slurp users’ details (sell it for a tidy profit) etc and slap adverts in your face.

WeMe looks good (as G+ replacement) and if they will start to request an annual subscription fee then I’ll happily pay it, knowing I won’t be subject to slurpage. Plus it’s a closed group so you should not see any trolling or spamming.