When do you post here instead of CoG?

I did, the NFL one. But my motivation to post in it has been as strong as the Giants’ record this season.

I’m also waiting for the “private” boards like Wbo Uhagvat. Got some major stuff to post there.

I haven’t been on the old CoG boards for some time, but decided to visit tonight. That’s when I saw the thread pointing over here and remembered that Sig had been reading from here not too long ago. I was thinking it seemed pretty quiet over there.

(Just for the record, the yellow box pops up with every post, it seems, and my computer just shut itself off (low battery), but when I re-opened the tab, my post was saved! So that works. :))

The yellow box goes away soon.

Yep, by the third one, apparently (or the second visit?). I’ve suddenly noticed its absence. :slight_smile:

The pop-ups are supposed to be educational! They are to teach you the way of Markup and introduce you to the taste of the Discourse kool-aid!

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All of the time.

I never post here anymore, I only post at CoG.

Now that CoG is deceased, we’ll all be posting here, all the time.

I miss CoG. :frowning:

I predict gradually increasing frequency of new system iterations until we’re switching formats every week, then every day, then every hour. It should be fun.

I like signing up for things.

It’s a countdown to the first double event. Then the first triple event. We’re gonna have to close the breach.

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I had seen a few messages that this site would replace the CoG board, but I missed the announcement that said the old board was completely shutting down. I didn’t get to save the one message thread that I really wanted to keep, which was the “Home renovation stupidities” in War Stories.

There was no T-minus announcement.

RIP CoG Board - you will be missed.

That’s a shame. I didn’t keep any other notes, so now I’ve lost the details of what I’ve had to fix on this house. Unless someone else saved the info or Lee can dig back into the old forum, I will have to wait until the Internet Archive shows something newer than August before I can get most of it back.

Oops. Make that “if at all”. The Archive is only showing about 30 or so posts on page 1 for War Stories, so depending on how recent the last update to that thread was, it may or may not show up in what they retrieved on that date, and if it does, they may not have retrieved all the pages in that thread.