Prompted by a post made by @Rizak and seeing the woeful state of education, I just wanted to drop my 0.05c into the discussion.
IMHO I feel that for kids to be ready for the world, they should have :
- basic maths
- a good understanding on the pronouncation of words etc
- spelling (also the stuff of you’re and your, brakes and break etc etc)
- a basic understanding of geography (where the various countries are etc)
- an extra language besides Afrikaans and English (especially here in South Arica)
- skills such as woodworking, metalworking, cooking, seamstressing, and especially gardening (growing your own veggies etc) and these must not be gender-specific. If a girl want to do metalworking, she can. If a boy want to do cooking, he can.
- health and self-care (how to take care of yourself, personal hygiene etc)
- then the other “vanities” can be added, such as art, music, drama etc
Once the final school year have been completed, a decision can be made as to whether to go to university/college or whatever, but at this stage the child have skills that can be used to apply for a job for income.
Nowadays kids are just pumped full of book information, with absolutely no clue on how to fend for themselves should they lose their job or drop out. And most parents does not have the time to teach their children the basics.
Sadly I think that this will not happen, that it is just another dream of mine…