Happy Famdamilies

I wouldn’t know what to do if I went into room without a couple dog toys in it,


Cat toys here, but otherwise same.

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We’ve reached the “Oh, if you want to use the hall bathroom you’ll probably need to kick a few toys out of the way.” stage.

On the other hand, Noodle doesn’t eat shoes, cables, furniture, etc. so it’s an acceptable tradeoff.


Update: I’ve heard today that MIL’s BF has “some sort of surprise” for MIL on Thanskgiving. I don’t think it will be a surprise wedding announcement as they’re both ducking that for legal reasons, but who knows?

(‘Legal reasons’ in this case being that they don’t want to mess with pension for widows and such. It makes sense, I guess.)

So far, so good. No sign of a ukulele.


To all on US based CoGers, Happy Thanksgiving!!
To everyone else, it happy ordinary Thursday, I guess. :slight_smile:


My expected issues went better than expected: It’s not amazing, but could have gone a lot worse.


Missing all family events this year. so the potential issues this weekend are avoided.

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I drove 3 hours to Phoenix to have dinner with my stepbrother’s wife’s family. The only ones I really knew were my stepbrother and his wife, and I have only seen them twice in the last 20 years or so, so “know” is carrying a lot of weight here.

It was pretty cool, though. Food was a hell of a lot better than in the Army chow hall. I also had the opportunity to drive my stepbrother’s 2017 Mustang 350GT on the highway a little bit. I was not adventurous. It was pretty terrifying for the few seconds I put the pedal down on the on-ramp.