I have a George

According to the classic (humorous) definition, Russian literature is about two people who do not want each other and do not get each other, and about this a melancholy 1500 pages is written.

That was more true before the soviet union though. A lot of literary people don’t view what came out of Soviet Russia (the stuff that was allowed, that is) as literature.


I used to think that I should read War and Peace since it was a classic. An awful lot of the classics actually just suck, it’s that they give a message people want spread that makes them a classic.

There are so many other actually good books I should read that I doubt I’ll ever get to it. And that doesn’t make me sad.

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You don’t want the VPN. It’s hard to get rid of, although I hear there’s a cream for that now.

I finally read From the Earth to the Moon (Jules Verne) a couple years ago and…yeah. Underwhelmed. I picked up Journey to the Center of the Earth afterwards and slogged through maybe half of it. I had read an abridged version years ago and the full one is rough.

Some of the Verne stuff the ideas were so new you had to spend more time explaining it than telling it.

Must keep that in mind…

Yeah, but is there a topical ointment for the rash you get from the creme yet?

A low dose of Benadryl can help with the itching.


Unless they’re married or in a long-term relationship?

She still shouldn’t be doing it at work. Use the broom closet like everybody else.

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Wait, I thought you were out of the closet.

Just because I use the copy-room, doesn’t mean everybody else can.

Ever tried Moby Dick?

If not, then you are sensible. I’ve never managed to get more than a quarter of the way through it, and that was a huge struggle. Five pages is normally my limit.

I’ve read Moby Dick. There was one section of about twenty pages or more describing the butchering of a whale… I enjoyed several Jules Verne books, but then, I read those when I was around the 12-15 age range. I was a lot less picky about my reading then, since I was going through a novel a day.

I faked my way through it in 9^th grade English.

IOW, no.

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You have my eternal admiration. I just can’t manage it :frowning:

It wasn’t easy. I think that book took me almost an entire week to read. You can tell how much I enjoy a book by how long it takes me to read. For example, the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy took me about five days the first time I read it.

Ahhhh… it’s still alive!!!

Morning please can you set Luser Surname a Email .ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx .password xxxxxxx.

Sorry, bud… you’ll have to translate THAT one for me.

Translation :

Please create an email address for $Luser, VNC in to his PC and set up his Outlook since I’m too lazy to do it. His IP is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and the VNC password is xxxxxxx.