Please can you try to VNC [IP redacted] the VNC password is ; [redacted]
This PC its also fot manager if you can set up the Internet on it so that she can have access on the internet
Becouse the [other PC IP] when i trying to VNC it theere massege that come that the server closed the connection and the server runnin g as application.
The [name] [place] manager said told that the [ip redacted] that pc you did install the Internet
doent have what she want to use Like HR and onother things she need the internet be to in the [ip redacted] only becouse its where there is all the staff she is using.
You cad. You did install the internet? And without all the components?
What is it that she wants to use, just like HR? Can’t HR let her use it in their department?
I think everybody needs the internet to “be to in” as well. And drug abuse rehabilitation.
I have a random word generator you can use.
Devry graduate.
I am convinced that we need to form a Revolutionary Army to defend the English language and computers from this kind of relentless assault and torment.
The manager at site informed me that there are several applications missing on her Internet-enabled PC. She needs to have access to HR Manage and other programs, and this is needed urgently so that she can manage her staff more efficiently.
But wait, don’t they actually want to havevning something to do with them, but can’t because they are a double agent for the Tsar/KGB/Russian Mafia?