Internet stalking

You want creepy? While I was in the shower this morning I realized that the big boss was going to be I town, and I thought about how he always buys us lunch, and that I hadn’t had a power salad from Panera in a while.

Fast-forward to 8:05am and an email arrived in my inbox with a coupon for $1 off a salad. From Panera. :scream::scream:

This wouldn’t be so creepy except I cannot remember the last time I’ve received a coupon from them. Donato’s yes. Massey’s yes. Jimmy John’s all the time. Panera? Idk when. So then I wonder, have they implanted us? And should I get out the tinfoil??:thinking:


I love this “question” on the Panopticlick DNT page.

I’m an advertising/tracking company and my business practices require me to set unique cookies or fingerprint everyone, even if they have the DNT flag set. Is this policy for me?

“We gotta stop all these drugs being sold in the community.”
“But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!”