So um… I’m creeped out.
All our home computers run via VPN to escape the wrath of Frau Kommandant every time we want to look at something ahem “pretty” online¹, as well as getting around pesky geo-locked content and the obvious massive security gains. The exception to this is the AppleTV. The AppleTV is signed in to husbear’s Google account. Last night, we were watching videos about Mandelbrots (more precisely, some pretty zoom animations).
It would make sense that Mandelbrot videos would show up as suggestions on his computer.
What does not make sense is that today, my computer decided to suggest Mandelbrot videos from the same channel to me. I am connected via VPN to a different country. I do not have a Google account for it to save preferences to (well I do but I haven’t signed into Google services in almost a year now). Our computers do not fileshare unless we specifically pass a file. There is no way in hell that my browser should know what videos we watched on a different machine without a VPN with a different IP with a different Google account.
Any of you fine fellows and …fellowettes(?) have any idea how this happened? I’m feeling rather paranoid.
¹ our pornography laws have become so restrictive that viewing pornography in which a woman achieves orgasm is considered an offence comparable to that of watching child pornography or snuff films.