Pets and Animal Care

I noticed that we don’t have a pet care thread, so ill start one.
I have questions about what I should do to deal with a roommate who IS a vet tech.
She leaves her dog home with everyone else for some times 6 weeks. No warning doesn’t leave a supply of food and locks him out of her space. She gets high as fuck when she’s home and locks him out of her room. She switches the dog’s food almost every time she buys him food. He is a germsherm/pit mix, and she keeps very thing. doesn’t walk him. gets mad when anyone buys him things/takes him for a walk.
I have offered her $1000 USD for a dog I don’t want, i just cant watch an animal get treated like this.

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So, you’ve talked to her?
Is this a place that you can kick her out of, or are you willing to move if things get nasty if you call animal control on her?
Leaving an animal for days/weeks at a time without food, water, or care is abuse.

Edit: How likely is she to freak out if the dog “disappears” one day? “It got out while you were gone and we weren’t able to find it!”

There is 5 people total in the house. Ranging from 55 down. She has been talked to by everyone.

No I’m not in said position.

When she runs out of food she steals it from work or has people feed him human food.

Very likely. If anyone moves her laundry she loses her shit.
She once accused me of going into her room and breaking her tv.

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Have you talked to the other 4 people in the house? Are they willing to have the dog “get out” while she’s not home?

There may not be much she can do if everyone says that the dog got out and couldn’t be found. Have a home lined up if you can.

@MSUAlexis probably sees this too often in her work and my have some better advice.

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That’s my dog now and I gave it up for adoption. Seriously, what is she going to do? I left my dog alone for a month and a half and it wasn’t there when I came back? Cops will love that shit.

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As concerning this is for her dog, it sounds like it has people who are trying to care for it. I’m more concerned that she is a vet tech who gets high. She could be causing issues at her office. If she is a licensed vet tech (RVT, CVT, etc) they have a licensing board and should be alerted to this. Often the techs have access to controlled drugs and this can be a BIG issue for the DEA holder of that practice. Like, lose their DEA or even their license to practice big. Most boards will allow anonymous complaints to be lodged. It will go better if you have physical evidence, texts, pics, etc. They will also investigate for animal abuse by their licensees as well - I know of vets who have lost their license for neglect, including a FORMER PROFESSOR OF MINE IN VET SCHOOL!! :exploding_head:

You can alert the local shelter or welfare society to what’s going on with her dog, but since you guys are taking care of it they will likely just take a report and move on.


Unfortunately in Cali, Dogs are property and She 100000% would sue.

She smokes enough weed to keep several stores in business. @Nabiki and I are on the same page with that.
I will start to gather evidence to make a report. She has her head so far up her bong idk if she even knows what shes doing.

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If someone willingly abandons property then it’s not theirs anymore yeah?

I know it’s not that simple. But it would be nice.

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Drugs and drug abuse

My two oldest cats are over 18 now. Widget is doing better than Usagi. Usagi stopped eating her kibble a couple months ago, so I started feeding her canned food. This last week she stopped doing more than licking the gravy off of her canned food, and I was thinking this is the end.

Two days ago I started mixing a raw quail egg in with her teaspoon of canned food (which is the most she’ll nibble on at a time), and she licked it all up, leaving the food behind. The first day, she got her usual four meals with a quail egg in three of them. Yesterday she got four quail eggs, and I was able to get her to eat about a teaspoon of kibble covered in bacon grease.

Last night, she not only left my room, but actually trotted a bit. I know that raw egg and bacon grease isn’t good for her, but at this point, I’m going to be grateful to get anything into her that increases her quality of life.


Usagi and Widget are such good cats. It breaks my heart to hear Usagi is having trouble eating.

She’s always been a picky eater and never ate a lot. A couple months ago it just got to the point that she was seriously losing weight and energy. When that happens, it’s usually the end, but I’ve given her a few more months of life. I still expect to lose her soon, but I’ll do what I can to make sure that she knows she’s loved and give her as much quantity and quality of life that I can.

I’ve been expecting to lose her soon for over a year now, so, who knows? Maybe she’ll last another.

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Usagi’s most probably using all 9 lives up by now.


Yeah, but I’ll make each of those lives as happy as I can.


@Johtoguy any update on the roommate & dog?

@MSUAlexis Do fluids go bad? I have a few bags that are a couple years old and they’ve been in my greenhouse in a box for the last year. They’ve been subject to high heat and freezing temps. Usagi isn’t eating or drinking, but she’s been acting thirsty and is pretty dehydrated so I’ve been giving her some fluids that I got recently. I should probably throw the old ones away, but I thought I’d ask.

They can go bad. I’d worry about the temps more than the time. I’d recommend getting new ones if possible.

That’s what I thought. I was hoping, though. To be honest, I don’t think Usagi is going to last as long as the current bag that I have. She’s sleeping peacefully now, but when she gets up, she staggers and in the last hour her head is facing off to one side. She still purrs when I touch her, though.


No we are having another issue with this roommate and headroom mate and his /gf is looking into serving her a notice. She has ruined his washer, it permanently smells of mildew. ( I made chlorine gas on accident while trying to clean it. ) Im saying she ruined it because she leaves her wet clothes in it for days. It was so bad i had a co-worker comment that i smelled like mold.