Poor app design

I just installed an app that has made itself less than fully useful … by design.

It’s called Weedmaps. Figure it out.

It seems to be a really well developed app, but the problem is that they want me to input a bunch of information before I can start to make orders. I have no problem with this, but they’ve made it impossible.

Input your phone number and they will send you a 6-digit code. Go to messages to get the code, then back to the app and it defaults back to the phone number input screen. If you do the same again, you can’t use the previous number they sent you. Repeat. GAH!

I was able to input all of this information on their web page, but …

Maybe it’s cleverly-disguised aversion therapy. It makes it so much of a hassle that you decide you don’t want it any more.

Maybe it was developed by somebody who’ve had too much of the green stuff?

Oh man, we have the same problem at [company] with our own account app. It’s infuriating!

So, new phones got handed out. These are the ones with the screens with the curved edges. The kind that if you have a magnifying glass, you can make out the tiny print along the edge of the screen. No plans to ever use it like that.

But the virtual keyboard has not been adjusted, so that means when you’re holding the phone in portrait mode, the keys on the left and right side are partially underneath where the curve begins, which makes it a little harder to touch those keys. Not really thought out, wuzzit?

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I know Samsung has a big boner for the curved edges, but I do not want a phone with that ‘feature’. A coworker has a Galaxy S8 (I think), and there was no option for not curved edges. Ok, they added an app launcher ‘drawer’ that opens from the curve, but it is still too touchy to hold. And when you add a case (because apparently, the curve makes the glass extra fragile) it either blocks the curve or leaves it exposed to damage, thus negating the benefit of the case. Yeah, no thanks.

Same here. Old-school device, thank you. Curved edges may look snazzy and nice, but in the end it costs more to replace.

I have two devices, one a Xiaomi Redmi 4A (private), the other a Huawei P20 (company).

None of their screens are broken. Yet.

Yet most of my co-workers who also have a company phone, got their glass cracked.

I’m just anal about where I put my phones, suppose it helps when your SA is also tuned to keep in mind where you put your phones on your desk etc.

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And now I have a Galaxy S9+ with the stupid curved edges. In my opinion, it negatively effects the experience more than it helps. If you’re watching a video, it distorts the whole width of the top & bottom, and the rounded corners completely cut off whatever might have been there, not that there would be much.

When I was shopping for a new phone last year, I ended up with an LG ThinQ7 because I didn’t really like the way things looked on the curved screen. I’m not happy with the LG ThinQ, so I’m not sure I made the right choice, but, oh, well.

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I’m just sitting here with an iPhone SE I don’t want to give up because I like the size.

Even though I think the curved edges is a stupid design, I like the phone overall. And I’m glad I got it as an Amazon refurb & saved a bunch of money.


You and my step dad both. I don’t understand that mind set. I love my iPhone XS max, but i don’t think ill get the new phone or ,maybe the next. This one works super well. Next time though i wont go with the max size.

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Something I’ve heard from several people… As the eyes get older, they appreciate the larger screens more and more.

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@RoadRunner, I like big screens, but my iPhone is a good size to carry everywhere, as I do. I have an iPad Mini for traveling or when I need something larger.

I might upgrade to the rumored SE2, which will be bigger (iPhone 8 form factor) if there’s a reason… But its not a rush. The Mini is more of a ‘need’ as it’s an orphaned older model.

Just got my daughter the ThinQ8. Sprint is doing a $25 back on the lease so it’s only $11 a month. She took care of her last phone for three years, but she’s already starred that silly wrap glass.