Random Musings (and associated non sequiturs) v. 3.0

So after seeing MST3K: Future Wars, I realized that it was a movie about the future where the protagonist is fighting dinosaurs. How does that work?

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Time travelling dinosaurs?

I wiped my desktop and migrated to Windows 7 from Win XP yesterday. Blew away my Linux Mint Debian Edition partition too, but Iā€™ll probably just reinstall that again because I liked it.

Nice @Sig. When I upgraded to Win8, I disconnected from the domain. No more pushed software or VPNā€™s that I never use slowing me down. Plus I still have my admin rights. Iā€™m deep in Unix-land now trying to get my servers into shape and am again thinking of dual booting or starting up a Unix VM.

Iā€™m about to be handed an old laptop (circa 2005 or so?) and itā€™s got XP. Iā€™m half tempted to throw Linux on it as it will simply be a web browser/kid device (sheā€™s got homework on teh internetz now) and it sounds like a fun idea. Not sure though. I still donā€™t know what specs Iā€™m really working with yet.

If it can run XP, it should be able to run most flavours of linux as well, and most likely Win 7.

This was just my home machine, so thereā€™s no domain to ignore. Work is still XP for the foreseeable future. Everyone else is on Win 7 thin clients, but our site doesnā€™t have the bandwidth to do that. They donā€™t want to pay for the bandwidth, but they wonā€™t pay for new desktops, so we just keep chugging along on 2008 hardware.

So far itā€™s been surprisingly undramatic. I really like being able to set a default audio device and have different settings for each. Between my USB headphones, my USB radio interface, and the built-in audio, I have three sets of sound devices on this machine, so thatā€™s no small thing. I reinstalled Steam, pointed it to the Steam directory on another drive, and it found all of my games; I didnā€™t have to re-install (or, more importantly, re-download) anything. That was nice.

Does everything look a little different?

Yes. I think.

I just wish they wouldnā€™t upgrade piece-mail here. I have Win 7 on my station, they are playing with 8 on the one in the backroom. 1 self-check is on xp, the other is 7. The public computers are on vistaā€¦
If my wife didnā€™t insist I had long hair I woulda snatched myself bald by now.

A couple of days ago, I saw the If There Are More Writers, It MUST Be Better, Right? meme in the music section of the Cheezburger site. Didnā€™t think too much about it until I heard Billy Joelā€™s Sheā€™s Got a Way playing at one of the offices I went to today. So I just checked, and yup. One writer was all was needed for such an elegant song.

I look at the lyrics of that ā€œBabyā€ long in the meme and I think, ā€œThey didnā€™t try hard enoughā€. Fly, Robin, Fly managed to get into the Billboard chart in three different categories with only two writers, six unique words, and no fancy star like Ludacris.

I saw on the web yesterday one of those ā€™ Find your superhero nameā€™ things. It said to pick what color shirt you are wearing and what is to your right. Today, my super hero name is Green Idiot.


Iā€™m the Black Monitor.

Me, too! What are the odds? :wink:

The Blue Electric Kettle? What kind of a superhero name is that?! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm. The Grey Green Mince Tart. That just sounds wrongā€¦

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Orange Monitorā€¦ nah, Iā€™ll take Orange Cluttered Desk, or in short, OCD.

I guess Iā€™m the Blue Sectional Corner.

Sorry ladies, Iā€™m taken. I know a name like that is hard to resist.

Iā€™m going to have to watch Mystery Men again.


Some friends got a dog and named it Mojo Jojo.

I now have Mojo Jojoā€™s voice in my head reading everything for me.