Religion is Getting Dumber

On your happy day you should be surrounded by people who can honor your vow and help you keep it. I can’t do that.

And on someone’s happy day, they don’t need to be preached at. Your smarmy stick-to-my-principles “talk” is, to my mind, just as bad as the little girl from Westboro Baptist Church telling an outsider, with a sickly-sweet smile on her face, “I’m sorry you’re going to hell.”

You, like many others, will decide what the Bible does and doesn’t say. You will, or will not, put words in mouths of saints, disciples and messiahs. And those words will be more about your own uninformed opinions than about the religion you claim to follow.

But when it comes to other peoples’ lives, those words don’t signify anything. Because other people don’t have the same beliefs as you. They have different faiths, principles, morals, etc. And morality is something a person chooses for themselves, not something imposed by someone else. When it comes to another person’s beliefs or values, I have bad news for you: You don’t get a vote. You never have and never will, and that’s not a state’s-rights issue.

I will refer you to what I call the First Rule of Other People’s Relationships: Keep your mouth shut.

The time to give your little speech is not after the happy couple has decided to have a wedding. It isn’t time when you get the invitation. It isn’t time during the tense hours right before the ceremony, at the reception, or even when the happy couple has returned from their honeymoon.

There are only two times when it is appropriate. The first is when one of them comes out as gay for the first time, or when you find out they’re gay. That’s the first and main time when it is appropriate for you to decide whether or not they are worthy of being in your halo-shrouded presence.

The other time is after the thank-you notes have been sent out.

I liked Rubio’s answer, the person writing the article is a shit head. If I have a gay friend, then I’ve already made my choice about crap like that. In most cases it takes care of itself for me. I don’t end up friends with people who act like RuPaul. Male or female, so I’m not likely to end up at a ceremony I don’t recognize and would be uncomfortable at. Two guys kissing is still something I’m not totally comfortable with (I’m not a big fan of PDA in the first place). That might make me a bad person, but it’s not like I gag and turn my head. I just don’t pay attention.

More attacks on Christianity.

Yeah, Jesus was a carpenter who worked and lived in the sun. He was likely shorter than the average man today, and much darker than usually depicted.

Closer to;


But even those images don’t show a 30 year old man who worked with his hands and slept outside as often as anywhere else.

But if you look around, he tends to be depicted “like us” in a lot of places.

And of course.


The love of money is the root of all evil.

If your pastor doesn’t know you are sick and home bound then you needed a new church. HE should have been visiting her, not expecting her to come to him.

Screw that crap.


I find that a lot of people do not understand the difference between a minister and a preacher. A pastor is supposed to be some of both. But you can’t prove it by most of the so-called clergy these days.

Sadly, I find that a lot of people also don’t understand the difference between Christianity and bigotry.


QFT - or a license for hypocrisy.

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I had to take our local diocese’s “Creating a Safe Environment” training last night because I’m technically a volunteer with them on account of being a committee member of the Cub Scout pack they charter.

It was worse than the BSA’s own youth protection training, with a dash of religiosity thrown in for good measure. And the message from the head of the diocese at the beginning, where he was talking about the need for it, and how bad things happened in the early nineties (I swear, I heard Cardinal Glick saying “alright! mistakes were made!”), and everyone feels terrible about it…so awkward.


Where the hell (word used intentionally) do they get this crap?

I’m confused. My wife is a Christian but I’m not. Does this mean my wife is guilty of using a prostitute? :confused:

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Don’t ask me, I haven’t had near enough brain tissue removed to understand this crap.

No, it means that “pastor” is a jackass

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Well, you can put a stop payment on all those utility bill payments, and go blow it on booze and drugs.

It’s October 11th here. Another “end of the world” prediction, another laughing stock.

When will these morons ever learn?

They are redoing their calculations to determine where they erred.

Which is quite an admission, for their type.

The church down our street put up a sign that reads “honk for Jesus”.

Underneath, the police have mounted a sign that reads “sounding your horn without good reason is a fineable offence”.

Well played, Community Policing Team, well played.


I’m surprised the church hasn’t sued.

Oh, wait, you’re not in the US. Nevermind.

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Even if they wanted to they couldn’t, their sign is inside their fence, and the police sign is outside :stuck_out_tongue: