Squeak squeak!

My work here is done.



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mmmā€¦Tasty treat, good to eat!

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Gentle, Puma. Heā€™s new here. We donā€™t want to scare the pants off him.
Not just yet, anyway. :slight_smile:

How else are we going to get their pants off?

TMI! TMIā€¦ What you do in the privacy of your ownā€¦ justā€¦

I thought we were doing this in public. Never mind then.

If my pants came off guys, all youā€™d see is orange fur. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why would guys be wearing your pants?

I have no idea. gigglesqueaks again

Every time I look at the handle, AdamTheMouse, I keep thinking about Philippe the Mouse. Philippe the Mouse was awesome.

Now I have this quote going through my headā€¦
ā€œBring Philippe the Mouse!ā€
ā€œThe Mouse? The Mouse? Heā€™s left our house! To ease the pain, heā€™s down the drain!ā€

Edit: Bonus points for those who get this. No fair if you have to Google it, though. :wink: Iā€™m sure there are people here who will get the reference.


The movie is ā€œLadyhawkeā€, starring Matthew Broderick as ā€œPhillippe the Mouseā€. I know this because I still have the soundtrack on cassette.

(Long time lurker, first time poster. No need for the weapons check, or the soul check. I donā€™t have one of those and donā€™t need the other right now.)


Well, congrats on reaching a milestone here: the point where you just have to dip your oar in.


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And we have winners! Both you, for knowing an obscure movie reference, and us for flushong a long time lurker out into the open. :smiley:

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Well, you guys have always seemed to be a decent bunch of folks, even when youā€™re arguing. I figured itā€™d be safe to delurk, but your comment does make me feel like thereā€™s a target strapped to my back. :flushed: Nabiki has always been my second least favorite Ranma 1/2 character, but Iā€™ll promise not to hold that against you.

Well, many, many years ago, when I was watching a lot of Ranma 1/2, I wanted to use a character from the anime for a handle. Akane and Kasumi were always taken, but Nabiki was usually available. That is how I ended up using the name of my least favourite sister as a handleā€¦

Welcome, @GITM. I myself didnā€™t lurk long and just jumped right in.

I was trying to avoid stepping on certain toes. Then I found that I no longer cared and decided Iā€™d rather join and have a little fun than remain on the sidelines and have somewhat less fun.

Still trying to figure out how much Iā€™m willing to say in the ā€œThings you wish you could say at workā€ thread. I need to keep this job.

Well, if youā€™re the ā€œGhost In The Machineā€, then you should be OK to post whatever you like. With suitable redactions, of course.