Squeak squeak!

I’m not sure that anyone else worries about that here, so jump right in :wink:

Just use the conventions that we’ve been using. “%company-full-of-idiots”, “brain dead %boss”, “%manager with a bad toupee and ditzy mistress”, “%coworker who steal office supplies and eats paste”… It should be enough to disguise who you are talking about. Some of us refer to ex-employers using coded names, just in case the legal department stumbles on this… Like Hells Cargo, Aych Pee, Rhymes with Dingular, famous three-letter company, other (in)famous three letter company, company formerly known as Elvis, etc.

That allows you to get to the important part, which would be the latest example of weapons-grade idiocy, crass nepotism proving that incestuous bestiality is on the rise, and incompetency which rivals dropping a house on a politically-connected little old lady with a make-up problem.


You have a way with words, @ClockWorkXon. Bravo!

The toes I was avoiding belong to someone who was active of previous incarnations of COG, but as far as I can tell, isn’t active on this version. (Which might very well be a big enough clue for someone to figure out whom.)

@Viking, the problem is that I’m Ghost in the Machine in several places, including some places that the subjects of some of my potential ‘things’ are thoroughly aware. Thus the need to err on the side of caution.

Not really, we lost quite a few people in each migration, especially this last one, as far as I can see.

Lee has been trying to shake me since 2001, but Google is my ally.


Ah, Google. This is the weapon of an IT tech. Not as clumsy or random as Bing; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand versions, the IT techs were the guardians of the internet. Before the dark times… before the Verizon/Comcast Empire.


It’s actually become kind of a game for me! Make a thing, watch it grow, then kick it over and make a new thing and see what happens.

Seriously, though, I was a complete absentee landlord for years, and I feel kind of bad about that. However, in the interim, I learned enough to take the boards private and not have to abuse @OzBob for hosting every month for time without end. We’re in a good place now with Discourse, and i don’t anticipate anything changing for years.

Unless something else shiny comes along that catches my attention. Oooh, NodeBB! /me wanders off

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Oh, come on. Does anybody take that thing seriously? Didn’t they have a patch get classified as “vaporware”?

yeah, right. Tell us how you really feel.

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Can’t deal with what anymore?

Why are there two different buttons for HTML?

Topic drift?
Being ignored?
Talk by us “old timers” about “the good old days”?

Two larger cats lurking in this thread? A sleeker and somewhat more mysterious new member stealing Adam’s thunder?

The plot thickens…

Like sand through the hour-glass, such are the days of our lives…


It can’t possibly be worse then what I did (no-one remembers it I hope), but I was this close to being chopped in two after I tried some “over the pond” humor on these people. Worms like me don’t survive long after that treatment.

Well, the toes belong to Karanne. I was her editor/prereader for over a decade, but her dedication to writing her personal kinks was greater than my willingness to keep working with her. (That and a marked preference for going with “the rule of cool” instead of anything resembling internal consistency.)

How many of us are left from that far back? When I first started hanging here I still actually worked IT. Then I hit a marketing position and faded away for a while. I don’t remember what brought me back.

The need to converse with intelligent adults?

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There aren’t that many of those in sales. I think I took another trip to Cleveland and that reminded me of the CoG trip there. Haven’t seen many of those people here lately, Nick, MsTanja, Nick’s wife, and I can’t for the life of me remember who else was there.