I thought we had a topic where we could list what web comics we’re reading, but maybe that was a long time ago on a forum far far away. So to make sure we’ve got one, I’m creating one.
The comic is Breaking Cat News, found at GoComics. The premise is a trio of cats reporting on events in their household. You have Lupin, who is the Lead Anchor and sports reporter; Elvis, a field reporter and Weather Cat; and Puck, also a field reporter and focuses on Feline Interest stories. The artist, Georgia Dunn, appears in the comic as The Woman, her husband is The Man, and their son is The Toddler. They also have a baby daughter, but I don’t know what she’s called in the comic.
Right now, The Toddler is sick, but Puck is braving contamination from who knows what horrible germs to keep The Toddler company. I’m not sure if this is normal, but The Toddler’s right eye is green and his left is red.
The background on how the comic got started is that one night, one of the cats knocked something off a shelf. The other two cats immediately ran over to investigate. As Georgia was cleaning up, she started acting like they were reporting on the event, creating dialogue for them. After quite a bit of positive feedback, she put her artistic talents into use and created the comic.