I just picked up a copy of The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. It takes place during the three days of the Battle of Gettysburg. It’s also the story that inspired part of the setting of Firefly, specifically, the Browncoats fighting their losing battle for independence.
I’ll read it later because I’ve started on the first of the three Japanese light novels in the A Mysterious Job Called Oda Nobunaga series. It’s set in some kind of feudal society where part of becoming an adult is going to a temple to learn what your job will be. It could be something like Fighter, Archer, Baker or Farmer. Whichever it is, you get some boosts in your abilities from it.
The brother of a viscount goes to his ceremony, but instead of getting one of the usual jobs, he gets one that no one has ever heard of before: “Oda Nobunaga”. It doesn’t make sense and he gets teased by his big brother. But when big bro viscount sends him on a scut work mission, he starts hearing a voice speaking to him inside his head, giving him tips on military strategy…
If the name sounds familiar, it’s because I wrote a review on an anime series four years ago that was based partly on Oda’s place in Japan’s history. You can read about it over in the TV show reviews topic, as well as a similar anime series that draws inspiration from him.
That reminds me. I need to dig out a third anime series that draws inspiration from him but also draws inspiration from Space Battleship Yamamoto, a.k.a., StarBlazers.