Unlike Vanilla, Discourse has a built-in titling system that doesn’t require stupid CSS hackery. For those of you who’ve been assigned a title, post here and I’ll get it re-added post haste!
I can haz title plz?
U most certainly can haz!
Better than the title I had at the old-old place
Ok, this is different… change frightens me. Change, and frogs.
is it a royal title?
Ask and ye shall receive! I just had to zot someone.
Might I get mine back? It was “Medico Amo Bos”
Wow, I knew being on this forum would pay off eventually.
@Lee_Ars Just out of curiosity, how does one get a custom user title around these parts?
Be annoying, or helpful, in a easily definable way.
Or mention something embarrassing from your past.
Or say something really stupid.
Or repeat the same phrase in various emails.
Or just say, “Hey, everyone here called me this”.
@Road_Rash, I was going to zot you in Japanese, but the title field wouldn’t accept the Japanese characters. Oh, well.
Oh, this will be easy for me. I have plenty of examples of embarrassing moments in my life to draw from plus I’ve been known to spout stupidity from time to time.
That would’ve been cool.
I’ve been around forever and managed to avoid being zotted.
Got it! For some reason, the title field won’t let me select Japanese characters to enter, but it will allow me to paste after I’ve typed in in Word.
Thank you @Nabiki. Now if I actually knew how to read Japanese I would know what it means.
Gosh, thanks Google Translate… how useless.
Teshima like.
Now, Wiki helps a bit.
Teshima (豊島?) is an island located in the Inland Sea of Japan, between Naoshima and Shōdoshima islands, and is part of Kagawa Prefecture. It has an area of 14.5 km2 and a population of about 1,000 people. The island was made famous for a major industrial waste scandal.[1] The Teshima Art Museum opened there in 2010.
Is he a like a garbage island?
If you look at his profile, he’s Lord Teshima. -sama is the suffix that basically means lord in Japanese, so I gave him the title “Teshima-sama”.
Well damn, if it had told me sama I could have figured that out. I’ve read my Clavell.
Teshima is my mother’s maiden name, and I explain it in more detail in this post at CoG. Thanks @Woodman, For all I know, my user title may have translated to village idiot.
I like it!
I can always change your zot…