Random Musings (and associated non sequiturs) v. 3.0

Makes perfect sense. The British equivalent would be turning right in Milton Keynes.

Okay no, the British equivalent would be driving near Milton Keynes.

I feel I should add that MK has a gods-awful one-way system whereby turning right has a 75% chance of you having to cross traffic thatā€™s not just oncoming, but is oncoming from the right and has NO stoplight or yield sign. Theyā€™re just merging. Always merging. Merging, to death.

Funny how whenever the computer suddenly stops being able to connect with the network or the USB ports and I do a reboot, itā€™s always accompanied by the message that Windows is installing an update.

I wish I had a Windows PC that just worked like it was supposed to. My main desktop will lose connection to the USB ports once in a while and I have to reboot it to fix it. No installing an update message with the reboot, though.

Windows 10?

Yes. Upgraded from 8.1.

Hah. Had that same issue with a Lenovo laptop with Win8.1 originally, but upgraded to Win10. USB ports just stopped working.

A reinstall of Win8.1 sorted it out.

Oddly enough, itā€™s a Lenovo desktop that Iā€™m having issues with.

Maybe I should become a truck driver. Mav, do you remember the number of that truck driving school that was on TV the other night, Truck America or something like that?

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Donā€™t put ideas in my headā€¦ The thought of driving a truck does have a strange appeal at times.

My housemate recently bought himself a 3D printer. There are times when it sounds like R2D2 is being tortured.


Same hereā€¦ seems like a nice job where you travel all over the country at somebody elseā€™s expense, and you can sleep in the truck.

Not cool when idiots cause accidents to happen though.

Paging Mr. Galt, paging Mr. Galt.

I find myself thinking of the end of Office Space. To have a job where you build something and itā€™s done and you move on to the next thing would be attractive to me. Which may be why Iā€™m working on furniture and miniatures for my hobbies now.

My trip to Carmel, Indiana was a success (sarcasm), so tonight I get to go to Minnesota. Anyone up there for me to wave at?

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Iā€™m itching to install some RAM.

Not a euphemism.

Iā€™m itching to install some RAM.

Totally a euphemism.


Thereā€™s a cream for that.

Got the RAM installed and one project off my bench.

I get that people donā€™t always know whether to use your, youā€™re or yore, but ā€œyourā€™reā€? Really?

Covering all the basesā€¦