I fought that battle with a mail-order pharm. They wouldn’t give me access since I was no longer a customer, but wouldn’t provide me with details about what they said I owed.
I could imagine them thinking: “We know we’re right… just pay us!”
I fought that battle with a mail-order pharm. They wouldn’t give me access since I was no longer a customer, but wouldn’t provide me with details about what they said I owed.
I could imagine them thinking: “We know we’re right… just pay us!”
Caught a run to Carmel, IN. In what direction do I vaguely wave @Woodman?
You’ll be within a couple miles of my wife if you are there during business hours. But to get me you’ll face west by northwest. I’m in Pendleton Indiana.
My class has put in a request for @Lee_Ars to come and be a guest speaker at the college.
We were going over troubleshooting, and I brought the CoG page up to show them what I meant when I say, “Don’t be a George!”
Edit: If you’re ever in the SF Bay Area, Lee, let me know if you’re interested!
So just a few degrees off from Cary Grant. Got it.
Also, beware the roundabouts…
And shun the frumious rotaries.
This one’s relatively old, actually. I think it got popular in the 90s, although it may be older than that.
It’s a noun, slang for at least 40 years now.
My bad, dude. is the proper usage though.
They’ve gone roundabout happy in Franklin County. They’re putting them in every place they can and a few places they probably shouldn’t have. Most of them do seem to work, but the ones that don’t are real pains.
Are you in Franklin county Ohio? Would you be thinking of the 161-Riverside debacle? Or is there another Franklin county out there with a roundabout obsession?
Well, yeah, that was one of them. Fortunately, that one didn’t cause me too many problems. When they closed the ramp from 161 westbound to 270 was more of a problem. “Let’s detour them three miles in the wrong direction because that just makes so much sense.” I just dropped down to Tuttle Crossing instead.
But for unnecessary, I was referring to the new ones over on Hamilton Road between 62 and Dublin-Granville. The north end of that stretch is so changed that I didn’t recognize it the last time I was there.
(Just for the record, the roundabouts I drove through in Indiana were fine. Except for the one where to stay on the same road, you have to make what amounts to a sharp left. Miss it and you’re on the highway with no easy way back.)
I work over by the Hamilton road one. I think eventually it will become uber-necessary, as more of that area is developed. New Albany went with roundabouts and it’s working out well. And the double roundabout by my subdivision isn’t nearly as annoying as we thought it would be. But I was used to them, since we had several in campus at MSU.
I’m still too chicken to use the Riverside/161 intersection, though.
Carmel just celebrated their 100th new roundabout in November and expect to have 130 by the end of 2017.
95% of them are well thought out time saving devices. A couple of them are drink addled nightmarish dribblings of an insane mind.
And just a few miles away they went for Michigan lefts instead, and it works surprisingly well as well. It’s the overpasses that go on the wrong side of the road I’m looking forward to. We’re working on one on 69 just south of me.
I think they are still working on signage. The closest one to home base they’ve redone the lines on teh road at least twice and the signs three times.
Oh, that looks horrible. I had to Google it. Is there a light, or do you just have to pray for a gap in traffic, so you can cross a few lanes of traffic while u-turning? It seems like trying to cross & u-turn at the same time, and doing so adjacent to a red light, where traffic will back up, would not be a wonderful solution.
It actually works pretty well, not as well as in Michigan, because they are all over there.
OMG those would never work in California.
We’ve actually got something similar to that in New Zealand and it works a lot better than before it was put in.
On our main highway heading north, there’s a 4 way junction with a small town on the left, and a really minor tiny road to the right.
Coming from the minor tiny road and turning right or crossing to the small town was extremely difficult because you had to cross two busy (by NZ standards) lanes*. There were a lot of crashes and near misses as people misjudged the speed of traffic, or just got impatient.
The intersection was changed so you can’t turn right or go straight ahead. Instead you turn left, head a couple of hundred metres down the road and do a u-turn into a turning lane.
You only have to cross one lane at a time now and it is a whole lot safer and easier.
* Yes, we have one main highway north, and it is a single lane each way for most of it. Any comments about how “quaint” we are are unwelcome, but also expected
We already have a thread for roundabouts.
They are super-easy (disclaimer: I grew up in Michigan so have driven them my entire life). There is always a light involved - the purpose is to keep traffic from backing up behind someone who is turning left. So if you want to turn left off the bigger road, you go through the light, make your U-turn over to the right hand lane, go back to the original intersection and turn right. To turn left onto the bigger road, you take a right, make your U-turn, and continue straight back through the original intersection on the main road. Busy roads like highways will have lights at the U-turn part as well as at the main intersection. Once you get the hang of it they are no big deal. It’s pretty much like making a left through a divided highway. Only a U-turn.
The Dragonlady’s reply: Remind me never to go to Michigan if I need to make a left turn.
Okay, it doesn’t translate very well from the un-caffeinated.