Random Musings (and associated non sequiturs) v. 3.0

Very VERY sad!! :cry:

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That sucks, Nabiki. :frowning:

It’s quiet today. Too quiet. So quiet that I’m sending one of my people home two hours early and the other one home an hour early. Maybe I’ll nap for that last hour…

I watched the first episode of the “new” Doctor Who. Who was on drugs when they wrote this?

The Eccleston series is a bit weird. Plow through. It gets slightly better then gets really good with Tennant,

I kind of liked him. My wife still likes him the most and I think we’re into the third new doctor now.

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Earlier this year, I went back and started watching from the start of the 2005 revival. I was paranoid that I might have missed one or two along the way. I still haven’t caught up to current - good side is that I still have some in the queue to look forward to, but not good that I have to be wary of spoilers.

It’s on Netflix now, so I think I’m going to finally watch it. I’ve seen a few episodes of the new series (had to see the first one Neil Gaiman wrote) but haven’t really watched since Jon Pertwee was The Doctor. Tom Baker turned me right off.

Okay, so what is all the fuss with Kanye West? I’d heard that he was a “visionary” and apparently some sort of musical genius but I’d never actually heard any of his stuff. So I bit the bullet and watched the video that people are getting upset about - "Bound"
It was:

  • Misogynistic
  • Stilted
  • Unmusical
  • Pointlessly vulgar
  • Extremely unsexy (but then Kim Kardashian does nothing for me anyway)

Yep, it was complete crap. I just cannot understand why this person is considered a superstar.
Can anyone enlighten me?

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You’ve got me. I have no idea and, like him, haven’t ever understood why some “stars” are. Or why some stars end up sticking around longer then their one hit wonder should have let them.

P57, Ima let you finish in a minute, but MikeP has had the best post in this entire forum.

Kills me how Kanye can be all that, yet somehow Blurred Lines is a rape song.

And Techno, Tom Baker is the doctor for me. I still want a 10 foot long scarf and a duster.

Can someone figure out why it is costing me about $1200 out-of-pocket for a small cut that my son had on his forehead that I could have fixed on a dog in 10 minutes for less than $150. And I don’t charge $50 for a suture removal! There is no way that ER doc is that much better of a suture-wielder than I am - I used to sew up dressage horses for a living!

To pay for the new Heart Wing, and the billing people, and the 24 hour service. I don’t go to the ER unless I think I’m going to die. It’s all clinic care for me. You aren’t paying for the service, you are paying for the availability.

Too bad they don’t just charge by the hour and materials, at least then you could figure out it might be ahead of time.

We didn’t want to use the ER. We tried the pediatrician, and then three urgent care centers, and no one outside the ER will sew up a 5-year-old. Or pretty much anyone under the age of 10. In fact, they briefly discussed a plastic surgeon. For an almost-an-inch-long cut on a boy’s eyebrow. I said, no - chicks dig scars. :slight_smile:

When I was only 3 or 4 years old I climbed up on my parents four poster bed and was jumping up and down on it trying to reach the ceiling. Since I was looking up I didn’t realize it when my feet neared the edge of the bed and slipped out from under me. I looked down just in time to nail my eyebrow on one of the posts and split it wide open (my eyebrow, not the post). To this day I’ve had people ask me why I plucked the middle out of my eyebrow. Um, it’s called scar tissue? I guess I’m lucky, I could’ve poked my eye out on the post.

Sounds like next time you need to DIY.

I’ve got a missing chunk of my left eyebrow too, @Grumpy_24_7, though mine was only partially self-inflicted. Mostly it was an ill advised lightsaber duel with a friend back in the early 80s… He gave me the light up ‘balloon’ saber and kept the hard plastic ‘whistling’ one for himself. Gotta love how much head wounds bleed!

[quote=“MSUAlexis, post:54, topic:478”]For an almost-an-inch-long cut on a boy’s eyebrow. I said, no - chicks dig scars.[/quote]I have a scar on my forehead from when I fell off my bike at age 8 or so. It’s a zig-zag shape and almost 3 inches long in total (very similar to Harry Potter’s scar but more in the middle). I can honestly say that it has not helped me pick up chicks :cry:

[quote=“GluxuPedhakquon, post:57, topic:478”]Gotta love how much head wounds bleed![/quote]Do they ever - my mother absolutely freaked out when I did my head cut because of that. I couldn’t actually see properly because of all the blood.

[quote=“Woodman, post:51, topic:478”]Kills me how Kanye can be all that, yet somehow Blurred Lines is a rape song.[/quote]I think that Blurred Lines is a crap song, and the video for it is awful (and extremely sexist), but a rape song? Thats pushing it.
I read some of the commentary about Blurred lines and one paragraph stuck out for me [quote]It’s more likely, and more desirable, that tangible change will be driven organically by formidable artists rather than chastened executives. Black women such as Angel Haze and Janelle Monáe don’t so much resist hypersexualised imagery as behave as if it is not even a consideration. They have so much charisma and dynamism that they are riveting without having to strip down. Admittedly, they aren’t yet household names, but it is only a matter of time before a truly unorthodox star emerges. If pop music has created a problem, then only pop music can solve it.[/quote]Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Lorde :smiley:

My freshman (I think) year of college, my parents came up for Parents’ Weekend and we went to the hockey game because…well, that’s what you do at a Div I hockey school. The guy sitting directly in front of me took a puck to the forehead and oh how he bled! Huge wad of napkins to slow it down and he was escorted out for medical care. I felt bad for the guy, but without him running interference I might never have had kids.

Later in the period, a puck whizzed between my head and my mother’s, into the arm of the woman sitting behind/between us.

And that, kids, is the last time I didn’t sit in the student section at the end of the arena with the nice, strong net that ran from the top of the glass all the way to the rafters.