Random Musings (and associated non sequiturs) v. 3.0

Ah, it’s raining here, again. It’s a nice respite from the storm winds however…

You know you’ve been using your tablet or phone more than your computer when you touch your computer screen to click on something and nothing happens. You know you’re hopeless when it takes a few tries, and you become frustrated by the fact that your computer is not responding.

I have felt the neural impulses start to highlight an odd word in a print book to get the definition. And I have actually touched the side of the page to go to the next page.

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I’ve touched the side of a page in a real book too! Only once, though, and I laughed when I realized what I’d done.

I’ve swiped a page to turn it, too. I don’t remember if I was baffled at first as to why it didn’t change or if I immediately noticed what I’d done. Definite facepalm moment. :blush:

Sounds like the thread we had on Ye Olde Boarde where we discussed computer reactions that carried into RW.

Like twitching left thumb and index finger when using a physical clipboard, to invoke < Alt >< Tab > and switch to the next sheet down.

Or having the impulse to < Ctrl >< Z > to see something far away, when driving my car.

ETA: Formatting hid my key designators.

I’m loving the “smarter caller ID” on my Nexus 5. No longer do I have to wonder who that random caller is - if they’re a business then their name (and location) pops up when the phone rings.

FTPMonster, ANHWizard & ToasterFairy (none of whom seem to have survived the transition to this software) are under true blizzard conditions today. 2-3 feet of show predicted, with constant strong winds. First blizzard warning issued in 22 years.

0F is fine, I love it. 0F with 30-60 MPH winds coming off the lake…everything is shut down. I-90 is closed from NE of Buffalo all the way to the PA state line.

It’s -2F (-26F with the wind) at my house right now, and the lowest recorded wind speed since midnight was 16MPH, and gusts as high as 45MPH. Interior door frames in my house were creaking last night.

90 minutes north of where I used to live, I-81 is closed from the Canadian border to just north of Syracuse. The Tug Hill Plateau region is projected to receive 60-80 inches of snow from this one storm. To compare, Syracuse is the snowiest city in NY and averages 120 inches per year.

Yeah, the upper midwest got really fsckin’ cold, but they didn’t get snow measured in yards along with it.

Dak, that is God’s way of telling you to GTFO. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You’re right. I need to get out and enjoy this fine weather.

Fine weather? I think your brain is frozen. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s -19C (-2F) up here, -33C (-27F) with the windchill up here. Might have to put on a coat. :smile: (Just joking - I HATE the cold even though I grew up with it. I have never been so glad of my armed forces extreme cold weather parka as over the last few days.)

On this side of the lake, we’ve had some snow, but not a lot. It’s actually projected to get up to +6C (43F) on the weekend, but that’ll change four times between now and then…

I rather wish we had the snow too. It was -9F here this morning with wind chills around -40F. But no snow. My parents are just as cold, but with a couple of feet of snow, which at least makes the cold have a purpose. Looking out at the barren trees and grey skies is just depressing. Snow makes it all so pretty.

I have an EMS “expedition” jacket/system with a fleece jacket and down vest to zip inside. It’s basically of The North Face’s classic design. Love it and no one makes anything like it anymore that I can find. It’s like walking around with full shelter wrapped around the upper 2/3 of my body. Last Thursday I put it all on to shovel in 5F temps and I was over-insulated - got soaked from the inside out.

It has been hovering around -11F for the last couple days. I drove through two counties in snow emergencies to get to work today, while some of the people that could walk to work couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed apparently. I keep doing fine out in the weather but overheat in the time it takes me to take my coat off inside. My “real” Carhart is up to the job, and my scarf keeps me toasty. Put on smoe cotton shell gloves under my giant rubber gloves and I’m all good. Feet got real cold though, I don’t have anything jeans and work shoes. No boots or long johns.

We got 13.5 inches of snow. Not yards, but hey, it’s a foot! My brake fluid was acting like it was frozen first thing today, I had no power brakes. And the ice forming on the inside of the van was awesome.

It’s supposed to be 45 and raining on Friday, and my daughter’s yard will totally flood again. LAst time was teh worst flood since 1954, they may set another record with this one, I hope not since last time was six inches from the lip of their porch.

I could prepare for this weather, but since it only happens once every 20 years or so there just isn’t any percentage in it. It would be like putting pontoons on my car because I slid into a lake once.

I watched World War Z the other day. I’d like the 2+ hours of my life back. Worst zombie movie evar.

So, what does it mean when your boss keeps blowing off your regular check-in meetings?

There are polar meanings, so I recommend choosing to believe it’s because your performance is so stellar the check-in is nonessential. :paw_prints:

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I’m currently experiencing this as well. I agree with @Puma that these can have polar meanings, but in my experience, it’s because you’re getting it done, the right way, without any hiccups and you don’t really need any hand-holding, kumbaya to keep you going.

However, don’t let this stop you from reaching out to $boss if you need to discuss something important.

I need some feedback. If I don’t hear anything, I dwell on the last piece of criticism, possibly blowing it out of proportion.

Ah, well. I’ve rescheduled (again) since I do have things I need to discuss with him. I just wish he’d let me know ahead of time instead of after our meeting was supposed to be over.

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