Random Musings (and associated non sequiturs) v. 3.0

You’re the bestest moderatrix evar! (How’s that for feedback?) :wink: :paw_prints:

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Now I feel all warm and fuzzy. Or is that the robe I’m wearing? :slight_smile:

Naw, @SuicidalRat probably snuck in sometime in the night and is humping your leg now. :wink:

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I’m the same, @Nabiki. I may not need constant hand-holding, but regular “touch base” contact is good.

I was fortunate enough to be able to get the point across to a VP here when the director between he and I went on maternity leave. He knew I would ask for time if I had a “big rock,” but otherwise a two-minute talk a couple of times a week would carry me.

I so don’t miss check in meetings, follow up emails, status reports, TPS reports or ANY FSKING THING associated with office jobs EVAR.

Wow… after a year and a half away from that environment I didn’t think the Evil HR Drone scars would still be there. Corporate America has left it’s mark.


Can we get Mystery Science Theater 3000 to review all of the B-Movies from the late 80’s and 90’s? Netflix has proven that there are plenty of them to work with!

Is there a way on Netflix to find all the movies that were on USA Up! All Night (with Rhonda Shear)? I don’t thin those even qualified as B-movies.

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Anything after the first 10 choices under Action & Adventure :stuck_out_tongue:

(or any genre for that matter)

Edit: Granted, this is why you go tandem with the mail service. We typically get the movies we want to see through that. All TV Shows are generally watched (sans commercials for 3 years, baby) through the Instant service. It’s awesome when you actually see a movie you wanted to watch in the Instant Genre listings.

FYI, another great nostalgic feature by @Lee_Ars:

Modems, wArEz, and ANSI art: Remembering BBS life at 2400bps

However, my favorite article of his is still the Babbage’s piece. I really enjoy these trips down memory lane, and hopefully I won’t have to wait an entire year for another one from Lee.

RiffTrax (from the makers of MST3K) have quite a few movies listed. Since it’s just an audio file, there’s no licensing issues so they can pretty much do any movie they’d like.

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Thanks, mang :slight_smile: I’ve got a few more nostalgia pieces kicking around in my head. Just need to find time to write them down amidst all the chaos…

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I did not go to school for education because I did not want to be a teacher. Making up these snow days with Blizzard Bags is going to suck… the kids are already having meltdowns…

A Blizzard Bag is online education for the younger set? Or more to it?

Yes, and yes. First, it’s for all the kids - so my middle schooler has stuff to do as well. And they have to do it for all classes. So three kids X 5 or 6 subjects = 5 hours of work for me to do with them. Thank goodness it’s my day off today (and tomorrow, from the looks of it) so we can do it together during the day. I feel bad for the families who were unable to do them during the snow day time and will instead have to do them at night or on weekends, or who won’t be able to have them done before classes resume and will then have both snow work and homework to do. But it is cheaper and more time-efficient to do it this way rather than extend the school year. With three kids, though, it’s just difficult. DD12 still has about 2 hours to do - choir to practice and gym exercises to do - thank goodness we go to the Y tonight anyway…she can do it there.

Based on her physical attributes, I think maybe any Rhonda hosted was automatically a “B movie”.

I don’t know her, but did a quick Google search. Looks like she’s been upgraded… would that make them “D” movies?

HA haaaa, yeah, I crack myself up.

That’s how I remember things.

Although I meant “B” as in “boobs”, if we’re talking size metrics, I must concur.

There is a comic with that in:


So, when I get a message saying “you’re using a browser that will soon not be supported”, do you mean that you’re going to make your website deliberately not work with older web browsers? Or does it mean that if I don’t upgrade, I shouldn’t complain if the website doesn’t work right? I understand that new features like everything that’s going into XML and HMTL5 need new browsers to use them, but there’s a big difference between “it’s not going to work at all” instead of “it could work but maybe not correctly”.