Random Musings (and associated non sequiturs) v. 3.0

From this article:

Yahoo Mail was recently the target of a cyber-attack, the company revealed in a blog post Thursday.
Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500) said it recently identified a coordinated effort by hackers who tried to log into many email accounts with stolen usernames and passwords. The note by Yahoo products executive Jay Rossiter did not immediately say how many accounts were affected.
The company declined to comment further but said it has teamed up with federal law enforcement to investigate the attack.
The credentials were likely taken from a third-party database, Yahoo said

Okay. What the heck is a third party doing with Yahoo mail credentials? Even more, what the heck is Yahoo mail doing storing credentials in plain text? Are they completely unaware of all security protocols? (Actually, given the number of times they have been hacked recently that may well be the case).

Hot buttered rum is da bomb. Also, I probably make it a little stronger than is recommended for one cup. :slight_smile: That is all.

I have never had hot buttered rumā€¦

/me looks up recipe

I have all of the ingredients, so maybe I will try it.

Edit: After the day Iā€™ve been having, Iā€™m definitely going to try it. Tonight. :tired_face:

I have read a few recipes, but went with one from my drink dictionary (or bartenderā€™s bible ā€“ not sure what itā€™s called, but itā€™s full of teh alkyhall), because it was easy. :wink:

I pour some rum in a mug. Sometimes I measure.*
Add honey to taste, then any or all of the following powdered spices: cinnamon, ginger, clove, allspice, and nutmeg.
I use water from my Keurig, but any olā€™ hot water will do. Pour until the mug is mostly full. Stir.
Drop in a pat of butter. Stir and sip. MMMMM. :yum:

*This is a lie.


Why/How do people find Llamas with Hats amuzing?

Hey, @Nabiki, can you confirm for me what this means?


Thinking of getting it as a tattoo, but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s worth it for an in joke with my wife.

Argh, no idea how to make the image show up in the postā€¦ argh.

Errā€¦ You want a tattoo that says ā€œFartā€?




Probably not.

My wife and I did a church date night and there were several questions and fun activities designed to get us actually talking instead of just saying things at each other. One of them was ā€œIf you could only tattoo one word on your body and it had to describe your spouse what would it beā€?

And I said Fart, because she would laugh every time she saw it and her being happy makes me happy. I laugh when she laughs. And then I thought I would actually do it, like in a Gothic Script just to keep it real, and then it hit me that I could have a decent looking tattoo and still do the joke.

Doubt if Iā€™ll go through with it, but it could be cool.


So Iā€™m getting back into The Office (Season 1 was an absolute snore for me) and itā€™s getting funnier. Just hit Season 3 and I now want to encase someoneā€™s calculator in Jello. One of my favorite scenes so far.

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I would love to have a band called Space Monkey Mafia. That is all.

Go for it!!

You can do it!!

(Ok, I have no idea how to get that to show up in the post)

We teach kids to look both ways when they cross the street. What we really need to be teaching them is ā€œlook three times before you cross the streetā€:

  1. Look in the direction that a car would hit you if you began walking into the street.
  2. Look in the other direction (or other directions if at an intersection).
  3. Look in the first direction again to see if any vehicles have approached since you looked a few seconds ago.
  4. Then begin crossing the street.

Seen too many adults that are going right to step 2 as they start walking into the street and only look at the oncoming traffic once theyā€™re actually in the road.

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I teach three times. Usually doesnā€™t matter since half the time sheā€™ll stand there for a full minute examining the street for any sign that a car might be moving, and the other half sheā€™ll just dart right out there after looking whatever direction is closest to her on the run.

I was always taught three - look left, look right, look left again.

Probably need to reverse that if I visit the UK, but it holds hereā€¦

Ok, silly mechanic question.

My oldest had a fuel pump go out on her. So the week before Christmas she had someone help her tow the car to the local mechanic. Around the middle of January she called to see how it was going and he said that he fixed the pump, but then he wrecked it on the test drive.

She finally went and took it back last weekend. And, the door doesnā€™t match the car, the internal panel is screwed on with metal screws, the frame looks like it might be bent, ground effects are gone on one side, front speakers donā€™t work anymore, the window tint is gone (Since itā€™s a different window, duh), and there are gaps where the door doesnā€™t really fit right.

She took it to another mechanic for an estimate to fix what he had fucked up and they refused to do an estimate, since he should be given a chance to ā€œmake it goodā€. I keep telling her she needs to get her husband to do this shite, since sheā€™s 5ā€™0" tall and carrying around a baby I think she might be getting dismissed by the hill jack mechanics in rural Indiana.

I just called my body work guy and heā€™s nervous about doing anything, since he doesnā€™t want to get involved in any litigation. Heā€™s making some calls to see if he can give me any advice, but I thought Iā€™d check the knowledge base here as well.

Small claims court sounds like the option to go with here, but itā€™s unlikely heā€™ll pay. Apparently he doesnā€™t have a license, and his shop insurance doesnā€™t cover collision outside of the shop.

Iā€™ve gone through the penny of prevention speech, she knew the problem was coming but chose to try to ride it out until she could afford to fix it. She should have taken it to our mechanic in the first place, or towed it to someone more reliable.

I think she only has liability coverage on the vehicle, so Iā€™m afraid sheā€™s just shit out of luck. With a crappy car that sheā€™ll have to replace in the next year or so instead of driving until the wheels fall off in a few years. (itā€™s a $1,500 car, Iā€™m reasonably certain that insurance would total it, but a totalled car does her no good)

OMG, Iā€™d be twitching beyond belief. Granted, I donā€™t know all the details of the situation, which Iā€™m guessing is related to your post about the Beetle being returned in less than pristine condition, but damnā€¦ 2-3 weeks to get the fuel pump swapped out?!? Part of me says, ā€œI know, whatā€™s done is done, canā€™t change the past, water under the bridge.ā€ But the impatient asshole side of me thinks the ā€œmechanicā€ should have had the car fixed, un-fubar-ed, in 2-3 days, and has now earned a beating, plus should still be responsible for replacing the car with another one of comparable projected reliability, class, and condition as the one he pwned.

Just sayinā€™.

On a slightly less unhelpful note, I agree with you that sheā€™s probably S.O.L. It sounds like the perpetrator is unable to either pay for proper repairs (which the car is probably beyond at this point) or pay to reimburse/replace the car, and also unable or too incompetent to make remotely acceptable repairs (note as above).

If itā€™s any consolation, the body shop has had my motherā€™s '74 Capri for a YEAR to do a few hourā€™s worth of finishing on the extensive body work they already did. Random delays, licensing issues, and just flat-out lying about the problem while her beloved car sits out in the rain. Turns out the company had its business license pulled or something and is no longer even in operation. Sheā€™s now trying to figure out how to get her car back. I suggested we visit the ownerā€™s house.

Well, sheā€™s going to my body guy today to see if she can get something out of them. And one thing in here favor there is I expect the opposite reaction here from the fact that sheā€™s a cute little 21 year-old with a baby in tow. I believe this guy will really want to help her, so maybe at least he can give her some under the table advice if he isnā€™t able to actually help her.

Frankly, the time to fix it was over a month ago, and this might just all be a really expensive lesson. I keep telling them to buy a $500 car and drive it till the wheels actually fall off instead of messing around with the turbo diesel lifted ex weekend warrior truck. Not like there is much of a real need to spew clouds of black smoke with a baby in the truck anyway.

And with modern diesel engines and DPF soot is pretty much a non-issue anyway. I know, I drive a modern turbo diesel and even when playing hard with the right foot thereā€™s no noticeable soot out the back. Actually, the exhaust pipes are cleaner than my old petrol engine carā€¦

Not doing a commercial here but I have a friend who runs FreeAutoMechanic.com. Heā€™s very good and doesnā€™t give people the run around. If you ever have car questions, itā€™s a great place to ask.

Now back to your regular scheduled lunacyā€¦