Only follow Ian Cameron on twitter if you have the belly for it.
I do not know who most of the players are, so I feel like I need to do research, but yeah, it’s a mess.
Not surprisingly, the outgoing CEO, Andre de Ruyter dropped hints that the ANC party is also behind this current spate of loadshedding.
I do hope for the guy and his family that they can get out of South Africa before anything happen to them. Yes, it’s that bad.
Here’s the interview a journalist did with de Ruyter.
I don’t know how long that will stay up as the ANC is now in full damage-control mode.
Just stumbled across this twitter feed from a guy in ZA. Holy crap, it looks bad over there.
FFS, Ook, stay safe!!
At least my wife and children’s in a safer place than myself, they will be able to survive on better terms than here in the city.
How soon before you can join them?
The sooner the better
Two things holding me back.
- Owing the bank some money
- Finding a job in that general area, or even a remote job.
If push comes to shove and everything collapses I’m not going to sit around and wait for better days…
Only follow the links if you have the belly for it.
Link →
Link →
The conditions in SA right now would destroy a large percentage of people from the US. days without running water and stores closed for days at a time. Brownouts at random, while most people in the US apparently only have food for 3 days in their house. Which I can’t even imagine. Even not prepping I have food for weeks, between flour and rice at minimum.
I don’t understand only have 3 days of food either. I’m not a prepper, but I buy rice and flour in 50 lb bags, keep plenty of meat in the freezer (blackouts would hurt, but if they last one or two days, I can not open the freezer and be okay for a lot), and other staples on hand. The quail provide eggs, and the garden gives a bit of veggies.
I can see how civilization would rapidly head dowhill under those conditions, though. I’d want to get a gun and/or a big dog.
Or a big dog with a gun.
I literally have a chest freezer, an upright one, and two refrigerators full of food. Losing power would suck, but I can get that shit jerkied up quick.
A gun is an investment I’d like to get one day, but they’re expensive, and I’d need to invest in ammunition and taking care of it. No point in keeping a gun if you don’t practice with it and keep it in good shape.
100% that.
Plus you have to use it if the situation calls for it, and that is not an easy choice the first time.
I’m also reluctant to get a dog because I’m afraid it would traumatize my cats or I’d have to keep it outside, which hardly seems like a good life for the poor creature. Dogs need a lot of attention that I’m not really prepared to give. Going for walks wouldn’t be a problem: I’d just take it with me when I play Pokemon Go, but that would be most of the attention it got.
If it was practical considering your home state I would send you one. Most of mine are WWII or earlier era, cheap to run and easy to take care of. Making time to practice is the issue though.
A cricket bat behind the door is a good second choice, and pepper spray that hurts.
If you have a piece, do not talk about it on social media, or show photos of you practising with it.
Because of Loose lips sinks ships.
My new state is a lot less restrictive than CA. It will be even less restrictive if I change states, but that won’t happen soon if it happens at all.
I lost them all in a horrific canoe accident.
And I forgot you switched states.