South Africa burns (2019)

Oh dear. Sheeple gonna sheeeeeeeeple.

We have a NGO called Gun Free South Africa, which does exactly what their name implies.

They petitioned for gun amnesties etc, and try to get rid of guns in society.


what they DID NOT reckoned with was that the police would resell (or “lose”) the firearms turned in during the amnesty period over to criminals.

They got a rude awakening, and have opened a lawsuit to compel the state and police to clean up their act.

As if that will happen.

If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Simple as that. Criminals. Do. Not. Care. About. Laws.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Pfft, gun buybacks are ways for slightly enterprising gun enthusiasts to make a quick buck around here. And ways for other gun enthusiasts to buy guns off the people in line.

There was an event in Chicago I heard about where people were buying WWII prize guns off of widows, kids, and grandkids of war veterans. Pennies on the dollar for vintage guns. and destruction for those collectables that do happen to make it to the police.

On the flip side, plenty of people manufacture the minimum definition of a gun as dictated by the organization running the event. Zip guns, crap 3d printed guns, backyard forge monstrosities, expended ordanance, whatever. Not a bad gig selling 4 pieces of PVC pipe, some rubber bands, a nail,and a clothes pin for $50 a piece.

Or, ya know, like this:

New York changes gun buyback after seller gets $21,000 for 3D-printed parts


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Interesting times are on its way…

That’s pretty messed up. The question that comes to my mind is, will staying closed actually stop the looting? It seems that looters aren’t very big on respecting property and don’t care if a business is closed or not…

Sure didn’t work for anyone in the US in 2020, seriously doubt if it would work in SA.

Hell, in Chicago the mayor scolded stores for leaving merchandise out where it could be seen and for not hiring security!

Lol. This.

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Govt trying to strike back.

I’m pretty sure the strikers will ignore this.

Oh dear.

We’re currently on the thin edge. Now we wait for the 20th. The pawns have been moved into position, and the game need to begin.

Stay safe, okay?

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I will try my best to.


Some good news.

  1. SANTACO (large taxi collective/union) indicated that they will NOT be taking part in Monday’s tomfoolery.

  2. A lot of people have indicated that they will be using firearms to protect their properties, as well as a couple of small business owners.

  3. A lot of community patrol forums have made contingency plans to deal with :poop:

  4. There are more people speaking out against this strike.

By the looks of it, the strike may well turn out to be a damp squib, but we will still be prepared on a Monday, just in case.

Tuesday is a public holiday anyway, so a long weekend for most people.



North of Diepsloot.

No, it is not normal.

At least the usual telegram channel is silent, probably a car or truck catching fire…

In any case, going to sleep with one eye open tonight.

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Another union said nein to Malema’s forced protest.

There’s hope.

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Court also interdicted the EFF from using violence and blocking roads and damaging property.

Monday will be interesting.


And so it begins.

The protest action have started. Going to be a long night.


Long night was long.

I’m still here, no scheiße happened here yet.

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