Things you wish you could say (everywhere)

Or to move.

So your fake feminism trumps the experiences and traumas of anyone else?

Good luck with that. The reaction you are getting isn’t misogyny, it’s disgust.

Haven’t you been paying attention? No one understands the pain of being a white upper class woman.

[quote=“moufassa, post:1047, topic:542”]
Or to move.
[/quote]That would be ideal for all involved. They’re complainers. Of the 6 months we’ve been here, they’ve come up 5 times. One of those times was 4 days after we moved in because they heard furniture being moved (Duh…). I can only guess the previous tenant had this issue as well as they apparently tried to have her inform them of when she would be home.

They work from home and rarely leave the house (as their cars hardly ever move). They notice the noise more as a result. Their lack of ability to understand, however, that this is what comes of apartment living is surprising, given the amount of experience they should have by now.

Several states on the East Coast had snow in First Day of Spring

No duh, dumbass. It happens every year. Some states experience snow in May.

What, there was no paint you could watch dry? Couldn’t interview a fire hydrant?

The fire hydrant had an alligator chained to it.

Apparently that’s only illegal in Alabama.

That’s not fair!

In other words, you’re not getting your way.

Grow up, or enroll yourself in a day care.

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Yes, I just stepped in front of you to use the ticket machine. Maybe next time you should make your intentions known instead of looking like you’re just hovering around your friend. Because that’s what it looked like to me. Meanwhile, I stood directly in front of the machine and up close so I can use the keypad. Something you clearly weren’t doing. So shut up and your friend can shut up too.


There are signs all over the courthouse: no kids allowed in the courtrooms. That means zero, no matter what age they are, no matter whether they are “well-behaved”[sic], no matter whether you can find a babysitter or not. And obviously you can get a babysitter, because you have half of your family with you, even though they have nothing to do with the case.

There are signs all over the courthouse saying “turn off your cellphone”. Your child watching cartoons (loudly) on your iPhone or your iPad is not an exception. You calling your ex-boyfriend, who you are in the immediate process of suing, to threaten him and call him names, is not an exception. Especially when you promptly call your present boyfriend to whine how “unfair” your ex is being.

The mother of your child is an American citizen. You are a resident alien, which means you hold citizenship in a different country. She does not have a passport. You do. You don’t get to claim that she is a flight risk, because she allegedly could leave the country at any time. You are the biggest flight risk, especially since the issue before the court today is how you keep refusing to hand the baby back to the mother at the end of the visitation.

And mommy, your lawyer is an idiot. The excuse of “well, now he knows how to behave” does not negate the need fro a restraining order. He knew how to behave before, he just didn’t want to. And that hasn’t changed.

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Shadowrun, Vampire, and Mage sale!

The inclusion of Shadowrun doesn’t get you off the hook for the threats.

Thanks a lot for not helping us last night, even though I mentioned many times the prior evening that we’ll need your help yesterday. We were still able to complete it, but you certainly didn’t do yourself any favors in terms of getting on his good side. He already dislikes you and he made it obvious that he dislikes you even more now.

I’ll bet you $5000 you can’t swallow this brick, whole. Here, let me help you win the bet.

Let me see the $5000 first.

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It’s inside the brick.

Gee, this is perfect camping weather.

All of you are just too darn lazy lately. Instead of spending time figuring out what we outings we should do when they move in, how about we spend that sorting through out stuff and generally cleaning up the house? It’s a mess, period.

Do not move “out to the country” and then whine about the bugs, the wildlife, the dirt roads, the sound of gunfire, and how there’s “no services” and “nothing close by”. If you want lots of pavement, strip malls and shopping centers, city water, and someone else to pick up after your arse, STAY IN TOWN.

What hell is with these people who want to “get away from it all” and then insist on dragging it all with them??


Some people like to complain no matter the situation. Sad, but true. I have the best of both worlds, and that’s the way I choose to look at it.

The bugs, the wildlife, the dirt roads, the sound of gunfire, and how there’s “no services” and “nothing close by” is only a few minute walk from my house in the small city I live in. I’m a 25-minute drive to a mid-sized city near where I work and about an hour away from a major metropolitan area.

I can hear the wildlife singing in the marsh from my house and have rock solid cable internet. :slight_smile:

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Ohhhh … I can be really nasty.

Get a couple of good subwoofers, and play doef-tish-doef-tish (some music with only bass in) all day long
With the woofers pointing downwards

(In the really classy ‘burbs here in SA we have guys cruisin’ all over the place with biggenwoofers and bass music playing in a loop all day long… very irritating after a while, especially if you want to sleep…

they (your downstairs neighbours) can do nothing as it is during daytime hours that you play the bass stuff…

"Green Acres is the place to be.
Farm livin’ is the life for me.
Land spreadin’ out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.

New York is where I’d rather stay.
I get allergic smelling hay.
I just adore a penthouse view.
Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue.

…The chores.
…The stores.
…Fresh air.
…Times Square

You are my wife.
Good bye, city life.
Green Acres we are there. "