I thought I might as well kick off the topic here, so…
Nexus 7 LTE, 2013 edition along with a Qi charger and case. The charger is the Zens Universal, and they got the design there right - no noises and an LED that’s not too bright. That’ll make the 90 minutes a day sat on the train far more pleasant…
You have a link for the Qi charger? I picked up the 2013 Nexus 7 to replace my 2012 edition and I’ve been contemplating picking up a Qi charger to keep on the desk at work or something.
Would be nice if I could get a backplate for my Galaxy Nexus to do Qi as well, but the only route I have for that is hardware-hacking one in, which would be a pain.
The only working link I’ve got is for the UK (http://amzn.to/14nJGMv), which may not help you much (not sure where you are). It’s listed on Amazon US (http://amzn.to/1aWUUwJ) but showing as unavailable.
I’m waiting in line for an iPhone 5s so I can do some weekend review content to go up on the Ars front page on Monday. So I guess my new shiny is about to be a 5s. I’ll be upgrading from a 3-year old iphone 4, so it’ll be a nice little bump.
No gold. The baybrook apple store only got 4 gold handsets, and there are about 150 people in line.
This is how I view it, and is why I’ve only ever had Android devices since the original Droid launched.
I just wish smartphones were a little cheaper off-contract. My Verizon Galaxy Nexus is aging and I’ve still got quite a bit until my upgrade time is available, but I can’t exactly throw $600 at a new phone. Especially not since I’m in a house with oil heat now and I’m going to need to do the pre-winter tank fill relatively soon.
I agree there - different strokes for different folks.
People see my MacBook and iPad and ask when I’m getting myself an iPhone. They’re really surprised when I say ‘Never’.
I used to be very much pro-OSX / anti-Windows, but now I just don’t give a damn. Use whatever the hell you want to use, because they all do the same thing at the end of the day.
I wanted to play with Amazon web services (at their free tier), so I created a Debian micro server and slapped Citadel on it. Because. It has no purpose.
You can interact with it if you want. There is nothing really there except me testing stuff.
I much prefer the latter interface, but apparently the web is a thing now. I wouldn’t mind, but it’s ugly and I don’t understand CSS enough to make it not ugly.