Awww. Well, I’m going to assume that he will pull through just fine.
@Darktan I remember Dannon from when I visited you and @GratchSabbat in Ohio. That was like 9 years ago. He’s got to be hella old by now.
Wait, your cat named after yogurt has no teeth now?
Sorry, sick pets suck, but I thought that was ironic.
Yup. He’s like 17 years old now. This is an ex-gf’s cat. She moved out and said she would find him a home when we broke up. I told her he’s got a home and he’s been with me ever since. She named him Dannon (after the yogurt) because that was all he would eat when he was little.
His blood work came through really good the doc said. But his teeth are all fscked up. He’s out of surgery and I pick him up around 3. There’s a chance he has cancer in his jaw but we won’t know until the biopsy is back. I’m thinking no because he’s a tough little SOB. Even after getting his claws trimmed, he managed to scratch up a nurse today. I tried to warn them…
Could have been worse. When my ex’s mother took her standard Schnauzer in to be euthanized, the nurse and vet got bitten and my ex’s grandmother was bitten on the chin.
Mouse is a legit psycho sometimes. He got scared of a picture falling and ran through my mom and tore her up. We had to take her to the emergency room where she had stitches. That was the reason we took Mouse in from her. She was scared of him. But he freaks when anything comes to the door downstairs. He’s bit into both me and my friend when she had her dog on the deck. It’s weird how his switch just flips.
My step-mother had a cat like that. She’d lurk on top of the refrigerator and take swipes at anyone who walked past or tried to get ice out of the freezer.
I had a cat named Mouse. She was about the size of one when I got her. She was only a couple of weeks old, and starved nearly to death. She was bloated belly and sticks for limbs, but I nursed her on egg and milk, then to canned kitten food, and she lived. She was retarded, but the sweetest cat ever. She lived for 21 and a half years, and passed away peacefully on Christmas Eve, 2002. I still miss her.
Edited to add picture:
Mousie is the calico:
The biopsy came back positive.
My condolences. I hope he can pull through.
My condolences as well.
I’m so sorry to hear that, @Darktan. I hope he responds well to treatment!
Thanks gang. Unfortunately, there’s very little they can do. From where it is, it’s doubtful it can be removed. We could try, but it probably won’t help and in fact put him in more pain. So we’re just going to hang on to him with both hands as long as we can. Needless to say, he’s sleeping with me every night whether he likes it or not.
Losing a pet to cancer is tough. I had to put my Husky June down last year 3 months after a tumor showed up in her mouth. Knowing when to end the suffering was the toughest call of all.
Glaucoma was a real bitch on my favorite dog. I had the option of putting him down while it was still just annoying him a little, paying $4000 to get him blinded and his eyes pumped full of silicone, or try to hang on with eye drops and see what happens. The problem is that the pressure builds up and that causes the pain, but you are doing damage to your eyes before it hurts, and dogs can’t communicate well enough to say, I need drops. And the drops were a couple hundred a month.
That totally sucked. I cry more at pet deaths than I do family dying.
Good luck Darktan, hopefully it won’t be painful, but I’ve always been one to go earlier rather than later. My dad has taken some animals well past the point where they probably wanted to go.
I’m sorry to hear that @Darktan. It sounds like he’s had a long life at least.
Very sorry to hear about your little mate, @Darktan. I hope you find solace in your knowledge that you’ve given him a long and comfortable life.
None shall pass Checkpoint Charlie.
A bribe of one food item (feline-targeted or otherwise) may be accepted.
A year ago I adopted our Husky mix, Apollo from our local shelter (Almost No-Kill and we’re working hard). It got me involved pretty heavily in the rescue biz here because my mutt was apparently a celebrity amongst the Waco Parks Department and local animal shelters. He’d lived in Cameron Park for about 5 years before he was captured. It’s been a challenge.
I have dogs, love dogs and wish I could save more. But I give a lot of money to the local shelters for the cats. I monthly donate money to the local Animal Birth Control center for their feral catch-neuter-release program. I lobbied hard to get enough money to hire a full time vet at the County Shelter to make it easier for rescues and fosters to get care for the dogs and cats. I donate to sponsor adoptions, even though my feeling is, if you can’t afford the $50 adoption fee then you can’t support an animal.
My orange tabby, Gimli, is a full on rescue. Found him outside my old office, eyes frozen open, bronchitis and nearly dead with obvious abuse. He’s now 18 months old and the terror of my house. I love him dearly and Thank God almost daily for his presence in my life. Mike? Remember that cute little clack kitten that Nabiki helped me name? She’s spoiled rotten, aloof and will go full Wolverine on you just for petting her even when she head butts you.
You have to admire this kitteh.