We had to say goodbye to Dannon Wed. It was rough and I miss him still. I’m still expecting to see him in his box and running in for dinner. Needless to say the other 4 are constantly being hugged. He was a good friend.
My condolences. But I am glad that you have the other four to help you through it.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Knowing it’s coming doesn’t seem to make it any easier.
My condolences on your loss.
This is a doggeez, not a kittehzes…
This is Tiga, who got to come home today.
I want a kitten! I have to restrain myself, though, since I already have five cats, my roommate has one, and a guest kitty arriving next month for a couple of weeks.
Two days and she’s already figured out how to escape “kitty jail” that we built to keep her confined to the hallway until she was bigger. This one is going to be trouble.
Hooray for kitty trouble!
Charlie (pictured somewhere above) has turned into an escape artist. He cannot resist the call of the great outdoors more so than any of our cats that preceded him.
This poor kitten is trying to figure out where the squiggles are going.
That’s much better than what my cat did last night. He brought home a freshly killed rat.
Bringing it back to you is a sign of respect. He was bringing you tribute.
He didn’t give it to me. He was just playing with it in front of me. Very enthusiastically.
Ah, ouch. The new dog is a rat terrier, so she has gotten a little “enthusiastic” a few times when she has smelled rat.
Yeah. I took it away from him and threw it away. I’m pretty sure it came from the house next door where they’re doing a bunch of work. Kaijyu’s been hanging around there lately. I’m afraid they might be putting down poison, and I don’t want my cats eating a poisoned rat. This one looked healthy, though. Aside from being dead, that is.
I think I posted about Russell, the cat that survived a house fire, before. He’s doing fine, and the animal hospital where he has been a resident (pun intended) believes he’ll be going home to his family soon.
However, a small kitten was found by a volunteer and brought in to the hospital. Russell made room for him.
And here’s a big kitteh, being awesome.
Oooh, what a luscious coat!
Is he a Maine Coon?